‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Fair enough I just don’t see it coming in the next 10 years but I guess we can hope.

51 votes in the Senate plus control of the house and you’ll see it in 10 months. Two more years of 60k a year opiate overdose deaths and the people in the midwest will vote for any candidate to promise that the heroin will only contain heroin.

Dealing with the war on drugs is an obvious move because it is politically profitable. It’s one of those obvious super popular things that is obvious will make you popular. Politicians love shit like that. It wasn’t at this point at any point before 2018… and it’s not yet at the point it will be at in 2020. Every single OD is a human being who has people who care about them. The death toll on this is going to be comparable to the Civil War when this is all over and it’s taken people from every walk of life at surprisingly similar rates.

This isn’t even going to be a partisan issue by 2022 any more than Prohibition was partisan after the arrival of wood alcohol. Because yes even this part with dangerous diluent’s has happened before. Wood alcohol killed Prohibition if you actually go back and look at the mechanics of how it all came to an end. Fentanyl will kill the War on Drugs.

Our life expectancy as a country is going down lol. That is beyond weird and people will not tolerate it long term. Don’t be surprised when people who formerly were something else become single issue voters about the heroin being heroin after someone they really care about dies. Those kind of people vote and those kinds of people volunteer for political campaigns. Combine that with the fact that selling opiates isn’t looking super profitable to big Pharma with all the lawsuits and I don’t really see where the lobbyists come from but law enforcement. Even there I think the resistance will be pretty muted by the fact that the cops are the front line on these casualties. They can see the bodies piling up. They know this is bad and has to stop. I’ll try not to be too cynical about them trying to hold onto something that can’t be held any longer… but I do know that they don’t have the political power to beat the numbers of people we’re going to be talking about with the families of 200-300k dead many of whom (unfortunately for those opposed to the end of the war) were rich people.

EDIT: To those saying ‘there were death rates like this in the 90’s’ I’ll respond honestly… they were black. I won’t beat around the bush about it, they simply did not matter as much to the powers that be as random suburban white kids overdosing on heroin. I kind of feel like not acknowledging that is a little racist, so I made sure that was here.

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It’s bullshit because police are aggressive whether someone has a gun or not. What were they afraid of in the case of Eric Garner or Freddie Gray who they already had in custody inside their van? What were they afraid of in the video I posted? There are some good cops to be sure, but many are nothing but thugs and members of the biggest and most violent gang in any town

I think many of you guys way overestimate the role of police in American society. Sure, they’re presence is good for preventing such things as looting maybe, but they do very little else other than serve as a nonstop revenue generating source for city halls. They’re primary function is to profile, stop, harass, ticket, and arrest/kidnap people for non violent offenses and bilk them out of their money. Those who are poor and mostly minorities stay in jail and feed the profits of the industrialized prison complex

Do we need police? Sure. I say let’s keep them. But they don’t need to be nearly as militarized like they are now. That’s the main point I’ve been making the entire time. Linking an article showing how many more people our police shoot and kill than other countries does nothing to dispel this

Nobody here is actually pro prison industrial complex here. You’re preaching to the choir on that. It’s your conclusion tying the police to gun ownership that we don’t agree with. And yes you’re definitely Lirva.

lol I don’t know who Lirva is. I Googled it and came up with a production company. I promise you I’m not Lirva. I was never a member of 22. I just lurked mostly at poker stuff, but just recently at the politics forum right around the time it switched over to a new site which I signed up for then I followed that to here

And it’s fine if you don’t agree with me. That’s your right. But I’m allowed to have my opinion as well and calling me names or accusing of being somebody just because I don’t agree with you is wrong. I’m sure we agree on much more than we disagree. On things we disagree on I’m willing to listen to your points (you’ve actually made some good ones, since you stopped calling me names). But I won’t be herded into group think just for the sake it

The criminal justice system, and law enforcement as its active strong arm, is just the extension of slavery. It uses, over proportionally, people of color as unpaid labor and built a massively over incarcerated prison industrial complex. Since emancipation, laws on the books have targeted minorities to bear the lions share of the suffering, just as it was planned out. Lynchings have morphed into the death penalty and voter suppression is the modern poll tax. The entire system is broken and I say this from first hand experience.

The quickest way to get common sense legislation is for republicans to see large groups of blacks and Latinos exercising their right to bear arms.

The best weapons NIcaraguans could seem to muster was home rocket launchers made out of PVC pipe and a rocket that seems to be a beefed up bottle rocket with an M-80 on the end. The cops had all the real guns. The country seems to do a pretty good job of keeping guns out of the hands of civilians.

Summed up in 2 paragraphs what took me 3 pages of sloppy writing and I still didn’t make the point as clear and eloquent as this does

PabloHoney here seems dangerously close to being on board with the pro prison industrial complex crowd

"Of course there’s other variables"?! :rofl:

No, I am not. You’re pretty much a LARPer. Like any functioning adult who isn’t a LARPing leftie understands Republicans don’t give a fuck about black people owning guns. Like in Chicago.

But continue on making dumb ass arguments and agreeing with other dumb arguments.

Probably couldn’t find a foreign sponsor. Does anyone think that American rebels couldn’t find a sponsor? The list of possibilities is literally the list of our competitors world wide. And our ports are not going to keep the weapons out. They aren’t in the neighborhood of actually secure.

Police in this country are trained to think that anyone could have a gun at any time, and that any movement of a suspect’s arm towards his waist could be the last thing they see. They don’t have to be aggressive and paranoid only when they see a gun because they are trained to be so before they see a gun precisely because by the time they see a gun it could already be too late. Literally every officer is trained to treat even ordinary traffic stops like it could be the end of their lives, and you are here advocating to take that to a whole new level, where not only the suspects are a threat but the bystanders are also, because you advocate for them to dole out vigilante “justice” against cops they think are being too rough.

That is not how they are trained in the UK, but there is a reason for that. You will never have a disarmed police force before you have a disarmed populace.

Were you Cacti with the alien smoking weed avatar?

Bad police training

Literally every officer is trained to treat even ordinary traffic stops like it could be the end of their lives,…

Good police training. Being vigilant and being unnecessarily physically aggressive and unnecessarily barking orders (they literally use that as their primary excuse for executing someone - “He didn’t OBEY my orders” -) go way beyond keeping on your toes even in ordinary situations

You’re spewing Trump and Fox News BS here, but I won’t start calling you an alt right Law & Order cop lover just yet. Go back and watch that video in your post I responded to. Even if I grant you the use of pepper spray (which I don’t) there is ZERO justification for any of what followed after that! NONE. The kid was smart and fast enough to put his arm under his face otherwise, that cop could’ve killed him over NOTHING. Those are simply tyrant thug bullies who think they own the streets and they need to be held accountable

If they were a good poster then maybe? If not, then no! I’d rather not say either way, since I’m getting gang attacked on here like a gay atheist who wandered into an ISIS training camp

He doesn’t write like that guy.


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Hey @Cactus
As a Euro I’m quite interested in your reply to this, if you have a moment. Thanks!

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I’m not saying they would. You can’t argue facts and data. Australia has had tremendous success after implementing their gun buy back program and instituting stricter gun laws. It’s also a straight up fact that gun deaths in America positively dwarf that of Euro countries

I can’t speak for other countries, but I suspect their judicial system and entire government for that matter, is far less corrupt than what we have here. I doubt for instance, you can be stopped, ID’d, searched, and be kidnapped for money that we like to call bail (sounds better than ransom money). And if you can’t come up with it, you can spend anywhere from days, to weeks, to months waiting for your court trial, and then possibly years in a jail all because you had a pittance of recreational drugs on you. That’s how it works here in the States. I honestly don’t about countries. If you want to provide me with some info on how Euro operates their judicial system I’d be happy to attempt a better answer