‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Seriously… OK I guess you are.

I don’t assume it unthinkable, as they have that right atm.

Nice try though.

I’m driving atm, well sitting at the side of the road, give me a couple hours and I’ll answer your questions about minoritys taking up arms against the. GOV

I read your post as them starting a Well armed group against the. GOV.

I guess you didn’t say that though, so my bad.

Also to be very clear: You guys turned it into this by making someone who is simply pro 2A justify that position by having to get into the utmost extreme scenarios as to why.

  • I don’t like militarized police forces
  • I don’t like corrupt judicial systems
  • I don’t like industrialized prison complexes
  • I worry about the path that a president who has shown very clear signs of dictatorship behavior could take

These are all valid reasons why in many people’s view, they are not willing to give up their guns

That most people here don’t believe, or don’t understand, how guns might protect people under these circumstances just prolongs the argument. Just say we agree to disagree then we can move on

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@Cactus I’ve edited this post because the post you quoted had been reported and hidden.

Edit: Smacc_25

Back at ya

After 947 posts you finally stop beating around the bush and admit that your real position is “pro-2nd Amendment,” just as everyone knew all along. Boy, I know exactly who you are and what you stand for, I am under no obligation to pretend to believe your lies about your values just because you keep repeating them ad nauseam.

Man you’re a dishonest wretch of a human being. When did I ever pretend not to be pro 2A? I’ve said all along that I’m pro 2A and that I’ll disarm as soon as the police do. Can you even fucking read?

Ideally, do I think it would be best if no one had guns or any use for them? Of course! Let’s get rid of them all! But police first! At least get them down to revolvers and take away their body armor unless they’re going into an unusually dangerous situation

Not liking a militarized police, but you do approve of a militarized populace meting out vigilante justice. Most people consider that far, far worse, and obviously so, but here you are pretending that it’ll solve more problems than it’ll create.

They can cause devastation vs unarmed peasants

They won’t do anything against the us military

Do you remember Iraq?

There are 40k gun deaths a year in America. Cactus thinks that on balance their deaths are worth less than a hypothetical doomsday scenario.

Boy, if option #2 was really your ideal solution you’d be shouting it from the rooftops, instead of lumping yourself in w/ the pro-2A amendment gun nutters who have turned our country into a slaughterhouse. But it’s not, not even close. All you really care about is having your gun to make yourself feel like a man.

I’d leave it at that if you weren’t egging on minorities to get themselves mowed down like sheep.

Vigilante justice? Of course not. That would lead to anarchy. I’m not even against police or giving them (slightly) more firepower than citizens are allowed to have. But you don’t seem to understand (or don’t care?) that the police forces of today are not serving the same purpose they were initially intended for

Police are supposed to be public servants. It used to be, and still can be a noble profession. I’m not going to repeat everything I’ve already said, but I’ll just say that their primary function today is to serve as revenue sources for city hall and the judicial system. At least that’s far more their job than protecting and serving

I haven’t mentioned my ethnicity and refuse to do so. It shouldn’t matter. I have no idea what your experience with police is, but I know what mine has been and I know what many of my friends who are minorities go through at the hands of the police. They have made it an us versus them. The thin blue line. They can literally unlawfully murder people and then cover it up. Let’s get policing back to what it should be. Protecting and serving the public. It will be interesting to see what if any changes will occur with at least marijuana being legalized. At least that’s one less thing for cops to stop, harass, and kidnap someone over

I’d respond with statistics but I just saw what Neil deGrasse Tyson went through. Some people are clearly too emotional to put numbers into perspective without realizing that it takes nothing away from the tragedy of senseless loss of life

People arming themselves so that they can execute police officers who they witness committing abuses is vigilante justice.

Correct. But that doesn’t mean anyone has to execute anyone. Sometimes the threat alone can serve as a very productive deterrent

Maybe I’m using poor word choices. Change threat to possibility

And anyway, why are you entirely focused on just one side? Surely you can bring yourself to concede that having thug cops constantly trying to violate citizens’ rights isn’t a good thing. Why aren’t you at all focused on demilitarizing the police and changing their culture? Because that’s also a very viable solution if my views bother you so much

Vigilante justice would be better than what we currently have. Anarchy is not the same thing and would obviously be better.

The fact you’re more concerned with taking away the right of responsible people to own guns than you are with the police’s ability to do this says everything :roll_eyes:

Would people complain if I endorsed this viewpoint?

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I’m more concerned with taking away the right of irresponsible people to own guns. The question is whether the right of responsible people is necessary collateral damage.

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