‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Except there are plenty of posters that are straight up conservative leaning and dont draw that. It’s because your posts suck and you’re trolling.

:rofl: so many butt hurt establishment ass lickers here



And btw, don’t draw what?

Also, if you can manage it, try pointing out what it is about my posts that suck. I’ve laid out in great detail why I’m not willing to give up my guns. In addition, I don’t think I’m being at all unreasonable. I stated point blank I’ll give up whatever the police give up.

What’s clear is that people like you and boredsocial can’t handle the fact that someone who in all likelihood, is miles to the left of you on just about every other issue disagreeing about guns. So all you can up with is ad hominem attacks like your posts suck, you’re a libertarian, you’re and troll.

Until you’re willing to have a reasoned well thought out discussion about guns you can kick rocks if you don’t like my 2A stance

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They suck because you are tying something tangibly good: gun control to something absurd on its face: demilitarizing the police.

That and the gun nut porn you’re spouting.

Thinking it’s an absurd idea to demilitarize the police is EXACTLY why you’ll NEVER get my guns

I’m not saying there aren’t some good cops, but far too many are thugs and tyrants. The way our current judicial system deals with minorities and the poor is tyranny and it can get much worse

Just because some on the left are not sophisticated enough to understand the importance of guns, or are too sheltered and cowardly to stand up against tyranny if/when you ever need to, you don’t get to make a blanket call for everyone

Edit - Again, I’m the one being reasonable and am not spouting gun nut porn. I’m all for background checks and waiting periods. Heck, I’m for mandatory training and licensing. I even said I’d give up everything that the police are willing to down to a slingshot. I’m making a sound argument while all you, boredsocial, and jmakin are doing is name calling




Why don’t you look up (the too many names to list) unarmed black men killed by the police and when you’re done laughing, go lick some cop’s boots



Your case for not being a troll looks weaker and weaker.

Just laughing back at ya troll



Saw that coming from the thumbnail, lol.

Nice trigger discipline, dipshit.

Especially considering that ICE is doing undercover kidnappings, disguising themselves as contractors etc (recent Intercept story I think). If you’re at the job site when suddenly non-uniformed men jump out of an unmarked van to kidnap you, IMO you have every right to shoot them.

ICE is also knocking on doors at 4am claiming to be the police, rocking the police vests and everything. Pelosi’s toothbrush money hard at work.

Cactus seems like a Russian troll trying to sow discord. Takes a weird stance on two sides and tries to steer the conversation to make everyone pick a side and get angry.

Even if he wasn’t trolling, it’s just pretty impossible to make a coherent argument on guns from Cactus’ perspective.

What are you going to do if an out of control cop comes to your house? Start shooting at a cop? There’s no outcome there that ends well for you. If you survive with your life, good luck convincing a jury that you shot at a cop in self defense. You cite them killing unarmed black men, and what about when the black dude with a concealed carry permit announced that he had a gun like he’s supposed to and they killed him for it?

The problems with the judicial system and police just compound things, and the most +EV play is almost always to attempt deescalation and/or subservience until the situation is deescalated to a point where you can lawyer up and exercise your rights. If there is any physical aggression on either side, the cops are getting every benefit of every doubt and you’re getting none. So the only way having a gun helps you is if you’re literally being shot at already and it’s your only chance to survive. But the presence of the gun INCREASES the chances that happens, which likely makes it -EV.

Obviously we have a lot of problems to fix on both the policing side and the gun side, and trying to link them would be absurd in our current political reality.

But it’s a creative method of trolling, so hats off for that.

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Cactus seems like a Russian troll trying to sow discord. Takes a weird stance on two sides and tries to steer the conversation to make everyone pick a side and get angry.

I’m starting to see why some of you have no choice but to call me a troll. I guess when sheep are brainwashed into thinking they should take on a specific viewpoint, but aren’t smart enough to figure out why, the only thing left is to resort to name calling. It’s quite pathetic actually. Not one of you who has called me a libertarian or troll has yet to make any kind of good counter argument against anything I’ve said. I mean jesus christ I could do a better job debating against my own position than than any of you have

Stick to easier subjects that aren’t as complicated as gun rights. You won’t make such a fool of yourself

“Nobody anywhere at any time has ever made any kind of good counter argument against anything I’ve said. The only person who could debate against my own position is me.”

– Cactus, circa 2019

I’d like to see Cactus and nunnehi debate something. :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

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