‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Both. But just because we amended some of the moronic stuff doesn’t mean that we’ve amended all of it… or in this case clarified some of it for morons who misinterpret it and/or wildly misinterpret how it applies to the world in 2019.

Like, to be clear here, slavery and the three fifths compromise may be outdated but that doesn’t mean they were anything but moronic and immoral when the founding fathers first put pen to paper on those

Nothing I disagree with here. It was a different time when much of it was written. For instance, if we gain both houses we should absolutely add more SCOTUSes to even out the seats that were stolen from us.

Also fwiw I think most gun nuts very much do misinterpret 2A as it was meant to be. I don’t feel I’m on of them, since I’m willing to give up all firearms, but you already know my terms

I have not really criticized any of your beliefs on guns. Just your odd view of tying meaningful gun control to police power.

What is your 2p2 name?

I stopped reading after that first paragraph on that one post to me . Damn even Snowden was in there!

They pretty much are in countries where advocating for a national health service gets you brandished as a communist.

Stop feeding the troll guys. Jesus it’s like you can’t help yourselves.

This was actually pretty funny and spot on at the same time from Dana Milbank.


You guys are feeding the troll.

BTW, with guns in particular it’s best not to hold up the sacred constitution (even though it allows for significant regulation even under extremist legal interpretations) and instead ask what the constitution should say. For those that support gun rights, where should the line be drawn? I’ll start: no guns in areas with more than 100 people sq/km. One pistol or rifel with a license after training, with a second allowed with a hunting or shooting license. Why? Fewer accidentally and intentionally dead people, less fear.

That’s a reasonable line to me, but I still think for home defense you should be allowed a weapon. I’m talking genuine home defense like a simple shotgun set up not a full tactical loadout AR. Ban handguns in cities is fine with me

I’m open to “negotiating” my position, but just don’t want to start with a swish compromise view.

I understand why people want a gun in the home for “protection”, but I’m pretty sure that having one increases the risk of accidental death and suicide by a lot.

Besides, this isn’t 1800. Most of the wealth people have is not in possessions stored in the home.

Have you ever lived in an area with a lot of robbery or crime? It’s a peace of mind thing. You know you’re never going to use it but it’s in the closet.

If you have kids thats another matter but I live alone no ones touching that thing but me.

Fear of owning guns is like way overblown sometimes. Be a responsible person and it’s fine. But definitely not everyone should own one (i probably shouldnt) and there should be certification and background checks involved for that.

To be clear I used to be “ban all guns” years ago during the dbj wars (RIP that fraud). But there are plenty of countries that handle this problem just fine and still have guns. Bowling for columbine really articulates it well, I think, I still watch that sometimes.

I’ve never lived in a high crime area, but I did have a friend in grammar school who was shot accidentally. I understand the appeal of having a gun for protection in the home, but the reality just tends to be that it will be used, if at all, to accidentally or intentionally shoot you, a gf/bf, a child, or an innocent stranger.

Meh I feel we’re mostly in agreement. The thing is I just feel these debates about precise gun control policy are a little FPS-y because we are literally dealing with a side that thinks it’s a fantastic idea (and a constitutional RIGHT) to arm every man, woman and child in this country and that we should have armed military guards in every place with more than 10 people.

Mine’s simpler: No semi-automatic or automatic weapons for civilians.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. It’s pretty amazing software.

and always will be


Good guy with gun gets it stolen at a learning facility full of targets for whatever whackjob plans an attack. Was nice enough to leave a vest too.

Don’t know what these kids motives were, but giving bad actors more access to weapons of war in schools sure sounds fucking stupid.


Warren plan sounds like an ok start.


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I wish they’d stop with the “ban on assault weapons” baloney that just opens up the “you can’t define an assault weapon” and “you’re just scared of cosmetic features” herp derp.

Just ban all semiautomatic rifles.

And handguns.

Jethro can keep one bolt action rifle for hunting the wild boars in his yard. Tax the fuck out of the gun and especially the ammo.

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I keep thinking I must have missed an entire thread or history of some sort because I am not understanding how hard in the paint the troll accusations are in this case.

The name calling and labeling (“troll”, “libertarian”, or even “I bet you voted for Trump”) invariably come out any time someone has a thought or idea that is outside the mainstream talking points of the left wing bubble. This is a huge problem the left has had for a while now and continues to struggle with

By being an unapologetic Sanders supporter who’s policies ardently advocate for racial, sexual, gender, and financial equality across the board, and would involve massive governmental involvement, I laughably somehow get labeled a libertarian and troll. Why? Because I’m anti police and governmental abuses of power. People like boredsocial don’t know how to intellectually deal with that. I guess it’s not in their script so they resort to ad hominem attacks

I am not going to agree with every left wing talking point. Especially, if it’s an establishment or centrist one. If the folks here can’t handle discussing some independent outside the box concepts then go ahead and throw me off the site. But I am in no way trolling anyone

I’d be totally down with this