‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Do you have any idea how stupid you have to be to talk about armed rebellion in a public facing forum in a tyranny? Especially one in which has had a history of going aggressively against this kind of talk?

Just stupid as fuck conversation man. Even if it’s genuine. If you’re right, this convo is moronic. If you’re wrong, less moronic somehow, but still moronic.

It would be more dangerous to talk about leaving water for people dying in the desert. I’m willing to talk about that though.

How do you feel about fully automatic weapons? Bazookas? Tanks? Nuclear warheads?

I’m not even going to respond to such a neophyte argument, but it’s curious why you didn’t ask what I thought about about police departments having any of those

Let me turn the question around. Where do YOU stop? You want to ban just assault rifles and that’s it? Or do you want to ban slingshots as well?

When the government takes away guns (or any of our constitutional rights for that matter), who gets weaker? And who gets stronger? Maybe you should think on that a bit

You know you might be right. The military is not as pro trump as police and might turn…

The cops are not going to rampage without governmental approv

What are you talking about dude? Where do you live? The cops aren’t going to rampage without government approval? Have you ever seen a police raid? They only happen every single day in America. Oh, you mean they have to have a government approved warrant? That’s what makes you feel safe? lmao The entire judicial system is corrupt!

We’re (or at least I’m) just talking about reasons not to give up a constitutional right. Interesting that you think the constitution is moronic

Um… more or less guns is not stopping any of the above now and i would not suggest you use your hypothetical gun to stop the cops from oppressing you. That does not usually work out so well.

Your reasoning make no sense. But alright. Fishy very fishy. Who were you on 2p2?

True, but I think a lot of them are at the state level too. I think it’s just rampant top to bottom now - states, cities, towns.

You’re setting a pretty high standard. It’s tough to rival.

Thank you for making my point for me! It’s such a known quantity that it’s never even been polled!

I agree… What percentage of our population qualifies as intelligent? Did you notice the results of the last election?

This would poll worse than banning privately owned AR-15s. A huge percentage of this country is infatuated with the military and law enforcement in ways that are unhealthy for society.

Again, you made my point for me. You’re not very good at this. It’s not even popular enough to be seriously discussed.


If I was king for a day I’d ban all semi-automatic firearms and anything that could hold more than five rounds.

Ah, yes, the common argument of a leftist who supports conditional gun control.

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There was extremely moronic stuff in the Constitution.

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What I’m learning from this whole discussion is that there are some people who just don’t care about their rights and are more than happy to kneel at the feet of power. Armed thug cops come to bust down your door and haul you away even though you’re innocent and haven’t done anything wrong? Aw, don’t worry about it. I suggest just letting 'em in because they’ve got the guns

As we type, raids are being planned to burst into workplaces and homes to haul away immigrants. What makes you so sure you’re not next? Especially, if Trump is successful in turning this country into a dictatorship? When they come to haul the anti Trumpers away I guess you’ll go peacefully. I’m sure you’re laughing like that’s never gonna happen, but look what this dolt has gotten away with since announcing his candidacy, I laughed at first too. I ain’t laughing any more. No direction this country turns would surprised me at this point

I can’t stand the argument of, “Well if you didn’t do nothing wrong and got nothing to hid then what’s the problem with following orders?”. Luckily, there are a few heroes among us like Snowden who fully understand the problems of government overreach and government. Establishment Dems who fancy themselves progressive liberals will be the doom of us all

Outdated or moronic? Have they been Amended?

Both. But just because we amended some of the moronic stuff doesn’t mean that we’ve amended all of it… or in this case clarified some of it for morons who misinterpret it and/or wildly misinterpret how it applies to the world in 2019.

Like, to be clear here, slavery and the three fifths compromise may be outdated but that doesn’t mean they were anything but moronic and immoral when the founding fathers first put pen to paper on those.


You dont know my beliefs on gun rights. Feel free to criticize them but be specific.

If I was king for a day I’d ban all semi-automatic firearms and anything that could hold more than five rounds.

Fair enough. If I was king I’d so something similar except I’d do it for the police too, So there’s just one group you don’t seem to care about and unfortunately, you place more value on cop lives than that of your fellow citizens. Please explain why that is if you get a chance.

Ah, yes, the common argument of a leftist who supports conditional gun control.

Wasn’t an argument. It was a simple question. Who gets stronger when rights are taken away and who gets weaker because of it? It’s not a trick question. Is it the people? Or those in power who get stronger?

I don’t feel you know mine either. I’m actually 100% for the deescalation and eventually eliminating most guns because we have no need to own them

Fixed it for you @nobody but you need the quote tags to be on their own lines in Discourse in order to function properly.

Go fuck yourself for attempting to twist my answer into the bolded. You asked me what I’d do about gun control, not what I’d do to reform our police forces. Trust me, it goes way beyond what kind of weapons they have. I’m sure I’m on record on this in some other thread on one of our prior sites but off the top of my head it involves body cams on every cop, demilitarization, independent federal investigations of officer-involved shootings run through DOJ, stricter laws surrounding officer-involved shootings to hold them to tougher standings, overhauls in training methods, shifting to a community oriented policing strategy, etc.

It depends on which right. People enjoy more freedom and society gets stronger if we put good gun control in place.