‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

20’s had a rather sizeable KKK movement that had people openly running on it, 30’s had the nazi’s. Sure they didn’t get POTUS but they did get the dem candidate for it in 24. We’ve always been stupid.


Only the very affluent members of the GOP want to get rid of SS and Medicare

You max out on SS. This money is a pittance to a very high income earner

The police are not going to reduce their weaponry. So no gun control for you?

So you’re happy to do a complete ban on firearms, just as long as we do something first that’s totally politically impossible right now?

It’s only politically impossible because no one seems willing to discusses it. Ending interventionist wars is also politically impossible right now. So is medicare for all, free college tuition, eliminating student loans, big pharma, and greedy corporate profits

Cool rebuttal you had there :roll_eyes:

The police are not going to reduce their weaponry. So no gun control for you?

Guess not

Edit: I mean, I’m still all for background checks, waiting periods, registration, even mandatory training. But no. I’m not willing to give up my right to bear arms unless our police forces do the same. Take their AR-15 away then you can take mine away (I don’t currently own one btw, just using it as an example)

I’m not saying I would bet this way for the near future, but imo demilitarizing the police is absolutely not impossible. Prison/Police reform, drug legalization/decriminalization are all things that are very much happening in places. Cities that choose to get rid of armored personnel carriers, not to send SWAT teams for just about everything, not to mounting semi-automatic rifles on motorcycles are all things that can happen in cities doing police reform and moving toward community policing. Police are not going to get rid of their guns obviously, but moving back towards what things were like pre-9/11 is not an impossibility.

Remember these things are happening in cities which are often run by libruls.

it’s insane to even think about bullet proof backpacks (which I presume are just a marketing gimmick) and shit, what you gonna do bulletproof vests and bubble wrap for your kids every day? The right wants to arm an officer in everything, schools, classrooms, churches, walmart, grocery stores, literally everywhere. I should train to be a security officer I suppose and get that free money when it’s federal law.

My school after columbine–we used to walk in any door and nobody gave a **** so after that they decided to only have the front door, but not open it till like 10 min before class, so if you wanted to kill as many people as possible they made it significantly easier–in the morning where we’re all standing next to each other so you don’t need any aiming ability either. No need to enter the building. Fortunately, I was not dumb enough to actually tell anyone I had immediately realized this. (probably bad now too but we’re all not in school here so…) Probably a lot of places do something like this but they only care about if they get sued or not. I think like every other dude, how do you defend yourself from scenario X where X is whatever the hell just came up in your head.

Well that sucks. Cant even do background checks or close the gun show loophole or do anything! Though if we are going that way we should get fully automatic weaponry because if the cops are coming for ya the military will be to.

How do you feel about fully automatic weapons? Bazookas? Tanks? Nuclear warheads?

Are you willing to give up your right to bear those arms?

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Medicare for All polls well and is still a tough lift. Same for ending interventionist wars.

What you’re talking at probably polls underwater among Dems and damn near 0% among Republicans.

Cool try though. I totally believe that you’re totally for gun control.

I edited my post right away. ^ I’m all for those things

It’s impossible at the national level for at least a few election cycles, I’d say 10+ years. It’ll be possible eventually, but we need more of a generational shift in the voting population.

Nationally for sure, but like I said, the militarized police forces are mostly in cities. The mayors of Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Baltimore, Portland, Seattle, Austin, Boston…etc all have more to say about what weaponry the police are issued than the POTUS does.

It’s small towns too. When I lived in Fort Pierce, FL, the local SWAT team would show up at the Farmer’s Market every Saturday in full gear. This was back in 2012.

Holy Jesus how intellectually dishonest can one person be? You’re swinging at nothing but frickin air dude.

How the heck do you know what it polls at? Show me ONE poll that even asks the question! I’ll bet if you polled intelligent people on whether or not police forces have too much firepower and weaponry the response would be overwhelmingly affirmative. Ask would you be willing to ban every privately owned AR-15 for every police owned one? I bet the answer again would be overwhelmingly yes

But the point is, it’s NEVER asked. So don’t whip up some phony answer on what people think about something that’s literally never been seriously discussed

Well, it’s less likely in some places than others.

The thing that led to all of this police militarization, the thing that a lot of libruls put as about their 10th priority, the thing that gets you called a purity tester if you think really matters a lot is war. You want to eventually stop being a violent militarized society full of violent militarized people and police who all have military weapons? Stop doing war.


This is dumb anyway. The cops are not going to rampage without governmental approval and if that happened you are dealing with the military too. Which means the amount and kind of weaponry the cops have is not what you should be worrying about on gun control. You will be needing to match the military’s weapons. You could disarm the cops and yourself and the government oppressing you can still happen…

There are a lot of other good reasons to want police to be less armed. Not wanting gun control untill they do is not one. Unless you want to disarm the military too.

if there was a way to restrict voting to intelligent well-informed people, we wouldn’t be in this situation

Yea. Stop being so intellectually dishonest about fact.

This is all very SMP because we’re not having a revolution, but the military are not the police and you don’t order the military to attack their own people. That’s like French Revolution 101.