‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Only if they were in the hands of those who oppose tyranny unfortunately most of the semi-automatics are in the hands of the tyrannical.

Its a bad argument civilian guns are going to save the left when more then likely they would be turned on it. The left has been arming itself more and more in recent times but id guess the numbers are not even close.

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I am proudly liberal, I own a handgun and am considering purchasing a shotgun. When these fuckers come for me I want to be ready.


100 years ago a reporter from The Atlantic visited russian revolutionaries.

I tried to answer the questions. I tried to make them see America with my eyes. I explained that half our country is bourgeoise; that there is no working class which corresponds to the Russian workman; that even the unskilled American worker has something to lose; that, in consequence, there cannot be a revolution in America, such as has occurred in Russia.


They’re not close, and that type engagement is never going to happen. The 10th Hayseed Infantry Division isn’t gonna invade the city in pickup trucks.

And you guys say I’m off the reservation with my conspiracy shit. You’re talking about a left-winged armed rebellion like it’s not totally absurd.


This is essentially me. Except I don’t have some weird fantasy about what I can do when confronted with overwhelming power. I just want to arm myself to protect myself against all you fucking nutjobs and the ones on the other side too. When the shit goes down, I think it will go down.

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There could definitely be a revolt. If the GOP had their way and got rid of Medicare, Medicaid, SS, food stamps, etc people would die.

We pay attention to this shit but the majority of Americans don’t know what’s going on. Trump got something like 24% of the vote when you take in the adult population in general. But if the GOP takes away all these safety social nets, people will be outraged with nothing to lose.

The rich and powerful are more nuanced than that lol

The population is still largely satisfied, fat and happy, given enough table scraps.

Why would they upset the balance and risk creating large numbers with genuinely nothing to live for?

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and exactly

WE pay attention to this shit and get riled up and in crisis… genuine revolutionaries would laugh at the horseshit hollow-speak


I really don’t understand why the GOP wants to get rid of stuff like SS and Medicare. I get food stamps and Medicaid because their go to response is “Fuck poor people.”

But imagine being 50 or older but not yet 65 and finding out all these taxes you paid for SS wasn’t gonna be there for you when you retire. Oh and your 85 year old parents? Sorry Mom and Dad, you gotta go back to work and stop mooching off the government dole.

He’s using police as part of his argument but equating police ===== government. Antigovernment is at the core of the argument. The police things a strawman.

Not sure who you’re referring to. I’m not anti government. I believe the government should serve a large role, but always for the people. What I’m against is a government that can be manipulated and used by bad actors for corruption and to gain power, which is definitely what we have now

I can see how you think the idea of stripping away some of its abusive power is a libertarian concept, but they’d be happy with almost zero government and regulations. Not once have I even came close to suggesting that. I think we need MORE regulations in many areas. I am NOT a libertarian even if my ideological lines do briefly intersect at times across most of the political spectrum.


closest we came was the great depression and instead of violence the people voted for a leftist government and it worked hella well

  1. vote for leftists down the ballot
  2. fight the nazis
  3. rub $$$ on titties
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You think a bunch of libs are gonna do it?

This isn’t just about hating a president as much as we all hateTrump. If we don’t get the senate (arguably more important than the presidency) we are screwed

I don’t know what you think is going to happen when the 3% control ALL of the wealth, automation and outsourcing for cheap labor creates massive unemployment, and climate change reaches a point of no return. There will literally be people dying in the streets

I’m sure you’re right that some or even most Democrats will accept their fate like lambs, but I think the real liberals will fight

Hopefully, it doesn’t come to this. The time for peaceful massive protests is NOW

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when that happens, they vote for leftists around the country just like they did in the 1930s during the great depression. government taxes corporations and private wealth and redistributes income.

no violence necessary.


My daughter had a play date yesterday. My wife texted on our family group chat that her little friend has a bullet-proof backpack. I assume it’s useless in an actual shooting but we agreed we’d probably get one for our daughter too. She’s not even 2. I’ve thought about it a lot more and my response is that when it’s come to this level we may as well try and leave the country.


when that happens, they vote for leftists around the country just like they did in the 1930s during the great depression. government taxes corporations and private wealth and redistributes income.

Hope you’re right, but I think you give people too much credit. We aren’t as smart as we were in 1930. Nowadays, the GOP marketing machine have convinced people that leftists are the source of the problem

Demilitarizing the police is not a right wing talking point. The right wants them and our teachers militarized. His guns are going to save us might be a backdoor way to get libs on the side of gun rights.

This ^

I said in my very first post I’m fine reducing down to pea shooters and slingshots. I’m not a gun advocate. I’d love to get rid of all guns in this country. BUT THE POLICE FIRST!

So you’re happy to do a complete ban on firearms, just as long as we do something first that’s totally politically impossible right now?

Cool stance you’ve got.