‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Demilitarizing the police is cookie cutter. Whether you are being honest or a troll or whatever. Meh good to have you on the side that see our policing as ridiculous.

ah, the one true liberal. Forgive me for criticizing your vision for what the entire party should believe.

Why do you think a brand new account here who’s tossing pejoratives at established members deserves the benefit of the doubt?

+1 to disarming the police. Better yet disband the police.

Semi-automatic weapons would be useful in a revolution. Obviously revolutionaries would be small secretive groups conducting guerrilla actions, not taking the Army or even the police head on.

BUT, I’d prefer we didn’t go that route. I don’t want my kids like getting killed and stuff and one of them might join the revolution and I’ve got maybe just 20 or so years left on Earth and I won’t get to see any better world on the other side of any revolution.


I was only saying that the cops are not adverse to using weapons of war and escalating, overwhelming firepower on their own citizens here. Can’t imagine a drone is off-limits if tanks and dropping bombs in city neighborhood are not. That’s all I’m saying.

100% agree

And that was to Suzzer’s point that someone’s ar-15, while maybe good to have against a rogue patrolman, or better than nothing, is not going to be worth much against the US military.

I am not advocating everyone go out and load up on semi-automatic assault rifles. But you get a few thousand, ten thousand, a million well armed citizens and I guarantee you disrupt their logistics for quite a while. You force them into doing something considered completely inhumane

It’s a tired quote, but hits the nail on the head… The government of a free democratic society should fear the people. Not the other way around. Currently, the people fear the government and that’s why racism abounds, the rich get richer, and things are getting much worse

The Iraq army didn’t stand a chance

So then we better make sure our government is never ruled by a dictator like Trump, er, I mean Hussein huh?

It’s nice to think there are a million people who would fight back, but let’s try to get a half a million to march in the streets before we envision any hypothetical, organized militia resistance.

100% agree again. Would be nice to get huge march turnouts going. Not sure why it is that we can’t

Notice too the tactic. Now I am being questioned for my liberalness and told that I just want to see police shoot people. Well, no, what my post was actually and clearly in reference to was the right wing talking point that everyone should be armed to the teeth to counter government tyranny. That’s straight up out of the right wing hivemind for like the last ~30 years.

Now it’s become about my position about police power and I have to defend that. Lol. this is what they do guys.

Sorry if I’m wrong and you’re some super snowflake leftist but man we’ve seen this play out so many times now.


Well when the government is rounding up people and putting them in concentration camps that might be an issue.

This thread just got super interesting anthropologically.

Noam Chomsky is a libertarian.

The right-libertarians who voted for Trump consider themselves anti-establishment and anti-government, but absolutely not fuck the police. That’s a leftist take 100% of the time.

It’s because we’re too comfortable. Civil war is not going to happen lol

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Off topic-ish but I just watched the video footage from Dayton. Cops lit him up as he was running in to the bar.

If he doesn’t go down right there, there’s gotta be another 20+ dead? No point to this…just…damn…could have been SO much worse.

He’s using police as part of his argument but equating police ===== government. Antigovernment is at the core of the argument. The police things a strawman.

The government is currently run by a fascist.

BUT, I’d prefer we didn’t go that route.

Dude, no one wants to go that route. But we might have to. Look how fast things are getting out of control? We are now a country with openly brazen white nationalists and are ripping kids from their parent’s arms and putting them in cages. Some are DYING! The Democratic party has so far, appeared to damn weak and worthless to overcome the pure evilness of the GOP. And this doesn’t even include all the other shit that’s either already wrong or going in the wrong direction in this country. Sooner or later a revolution needs to occur. Preferably peaceful, but it’s not looking good

The police are part of the government and there are leftists who are anti-government.

Most libertarians in the US are right-leaning and they love the police, but hate the government and have lots of contradictory ideas.

But the left does include anti-government, anti-police, militant revolutionaries, absolute pacifists and all sorts of other variations. The common thread is something like support for the common person/poor/oppressed etc., but other things (like strategy and tactics) vary and there is an authoritarian left and an anti-authority left.

lol as if

you have no idea what you’re talking about.

The crazies with guns said they’d revolt if Obama was elected, and that never happened.

You think a bunch of libs are gonna do it?

jesus christy this thread is fairy tale fantasyland-type retarded at this time

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No the libs will write strongly worded letters to congress.

Hopefully the leftists do something.

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never gonna happen in any organized way.

It’ll continue to be isolated acts, carried out by individuals on inconsequential targets… with a manifesto left behind

We’ll see. The US may have been close to revolution during the great depression. It was a real threat. The New Deal was something that reduced the pressure and may have prevented it. In a somewhat similar way England mostly managed to avoid the revolutions that happened in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries be having a mostly slow motion liberalization.