‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

This is just proving my point. Why would you think this would be a good rebuttal to anything I said? I wasn’t alive in '85 so I’m not familiar with this story, but how do you think it plays out if whoever MOVE was/is, happened to be heavily armed and 1 million strong?

Undocumented immigrants should definitely own guns. If ICE shows up to bring you to a concentration camp I’m not going without a fight.

I can’t believe you guys fell for the “i’m a hardcore leftist BUT… trots out a bunch of right wing talking points ploy again.

I mean are you not even reading the dark arts thread? The word “leftist” should have clued you in. Only right wing pundits use that word. Liberals dont describe themselves that way. It’s like the biggest tell ever.


I agree it’s a huge issue. But there’s a 0% chance it gets solved in the next, I don’t know, eight years. Spending political capital on it just prevents us from making progress on other issues.

I do have a very left wing friend who calls himself “leftist.” But he’s doing so to acknowledge he’s way left of even like Bernie.

liberal and leftist aren’t synonyms

This is just a grandiose fantasy wherein gun lovers like to imagine themselves as heroes in a huge insurrection against a tyrannical government. Good luck getting a million people to take up guns and fight a civil war in America.

I suggest you buy one of those violent video games that Walmart is going to hide behind the counter and indulge in your gun fantasy that way.

Generally, it’s a derogatory term for liberals used by rush limbaugh types almost exclusively to describe democrats. It’s about as close to libtard as you can get except libtard is used self deprecatingly sometimes.

In my journeys that word 100% correlates to the speaker consuming absurd amounts of right wing crap.

Yeah this feels right honestly.

"On Monday, May 13, 1985, nearly five hundred police officers, along with city manager Leo Brooks, arrived in force and attempted to clear the building and execute the arrest warrants. Water and electricity was shut off in order to force MOVE members out of the house. Commissioner Sambor read a long speech addressed to MOVE members that started with, “Attention MOVE… this is America”. When the MOVE members did not respond, the police decided to forcefully remove the members from the house.

There was an armed standoff with police, who lobbed tear gas canisters at the building. The MOVE members fired at them and a gunfight with semi-automatic and automatic firearms ensued. Police went through over ten thousand rounds of ammunition before Commissioner Sambor ordered that the compound be bombed."

Bigger bomb ldo.

Liberal is a derogatory term for the spineless Dems like Pelosi.

If you’re not a leftist gtfo .


Demilitarizing the police is not a right wing talking point. The right wants them and our teachers militarized. His guns are going to save us might be a backdoor way to get libs on the side of gun rights.

I thought somethings smells fishy right away but i dont really worry about those things.

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Anti establishment, governmental fear, fuck the police takes have been the bread and butter of the “libertarians” for years. We know who those people all voted for.

Lol so you love the police murdering innocent people?

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Yea, because that’s totally what I said. I fucking love it dude.

ACAB then comrade.

Bigger bomb ldo.

Not gonna respond to silliness

Its a possibility he is a true blue libertarian and not a nut hugging republican cop worshiper, i guess they still exist though trump killed most of them off, so you could be right. Either way i dont care because ive never much cared about getting trolled. RGT taught me well…not caring is its own strat…and works wonders sometimes.

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When someone espouses a true liberal value that doesn’t jive with the normal cookie cutter take, they need to throw a negative label on them. I guess in this case, it’s “libertarian” lmao