‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

The American people had many opportunities to take up arms to fight injustice/tyranny. They never did. Until it actually happens for the first time I will remain skeptical that they ever will.


Shorter lines at Universal one time

Worth considering at this point imo.

Except there’s no point now because we’re watching the last year or two of the NRA even being relevant. Trump is poisoning them just like he’s poisoning the rest of the GOP. Turns out saying the quiet parts out loud is a great short term strategy but suicide longer term.

I wish I believed the NRA was really on the way out. It may be weaker right now, but anything beyond that is far from a given.

There will be a successor for sure…but the NRA brand is basically played out. Every brand has a life cycle. The NRA is no different. There’s a beginning, a middle, and an end. The NRA will go the way of the KKK (which was one of its major predecessors for the record).

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All the NRA needs to maintain to be successful from a policy perspective is to completely own 41 senators and have Dems preserve the filibuster. All it needs to do to completely own Republicans is to have enough money to robustly fund a primary challenge.

All it needs to have enough money to do that is to have a robust and powerful gun lobby. All that is required for that is for the business of making and selling guns to remain very lucrative. That doesn’t seem to be changing any time soon.

Yes THAT’S what is giving you a bad name Fredo


The Dems are very unlikely to preserve the filibuster and the gun business is in pretty bad shape. Just saying.

Rouge cop theory? C’mon man… You haven’t seen enough rouge cops lately that get paid time off after killing an unarmed black person? Are you actually doubting their existence throughout the force?

Also, I don’t hear 2A people ever bring this up, which was the reason for inserting myself into this thread. 2A people mostly just argue: “You’re not taking muh guns.”. I never hear 2A people or gun reformists for that matter, talk about the fact that we have a totally over militarized police situation and it’s a legit problem


You can plink with single shot weapons just fine, it will actually save you money because you can’t burn through so many rounds so quickly. The West was won with single action revolvers, that should be enough to defend your home.

Police aren’t civilians. While I agree they are overly militarized and that should change I don’t have a problem with police having better firepower than civilians. It’s a matter of scale.

The police having weapons isn’t the problem with policing in the US, it is a lack of training and oversight.

Depends who wins. A Democratic presidential win is usually a boost to gun sales, for starters. And Biden is on the record for the filibuster, while Bernie is on the record for having grave misgivings about getting rid of it. This is why the Democratic primary is extremely important.

Plus, even if Dems get to 50 or 51 and nuke the filibuster, we’re still counting on the Manchins of the world to give us their vote.

Because it’s not a popular position nationally, has no chance of being handled legislatively any time soon, and is considered extremely liberal by most Americans. While I agree with you about the over-militarized police, I also view it as a long-term issue that we should leave on the back burner now.

Hitler didn’t need video games to teach him the joys of killing - he had his father’s bees to practice on.

This is what is commonly referred to as the Gun Nut’s Wet Dream.

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If a tyrannical government starts rounding up American citizens its going to be browns, blacks and libs and the 2nd amendment people for the most part will help them out.



Yeah it’s been heartwarming to see what the 2A people have done so far to help all the Latinos being rounded up.


Not sure what makes you so skeptical. We’re already very close to some sort of civil war right now. Not sure how this one will be fought. Hopefully, it won’t take a lot of bloodshed, but it just might. Ideally, our side wins through common sense intellectual debate and the election process, but it’s not looking too good at the moment

The militarization of police and their constant disregard of constitutional rights mostly at the expense of minorities is a huge issue and I don’t think it should be put on the back burner. The problem is that this stuff is all complexly intertwined. From the greedy thirst of super wealthy overlords not willing to rest until they own us all, to corporate centrists, to a corrupt judicial system complete with for profit prisons, to the industrialized military complex, to militarized police. It’s all one big cohesive ball of crap that needs to be shattered in one fell swoop. Nothing should be on the back burner imo