‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

We are torturing innocent people in concentration camps, ripping children from their parents, disregarding strong evidence of citizenship when locking people up for alleged immigration violations, and letting cops off the hook when they murder people. Why should the use of high explosives be a bridge too far?


I’m still not entirely sure what happened on that ranch in Oregon but it seems like the bad guys with guns were able to get their way against the government.

Most of them anyway. RIP Tarpman, the dumbest of the dumbfucks.

Start? They already did.


And the loss of life that the deregulations cause and the Faults on vehicles/Planes that just seem to get missed because of cost V Cost. Etc.

Really? I missed it. Where? Oh, you must mean Yemen or overseas. Man do I feel owned

TIL it’s no big deal if our government kills its citizens as long as it happens on foreign soil.

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Not sure who this is in reply to, but if it’s me, I never said it wasn’t a big deal. It’s just the point had nothing whatsoever to do with the subject at hand

Weird line to take but okay. I also don‘t understand how you can entertain the notion that armed government forces might attack its citizens but are certain they won‘t use drones. They wouldn’t do that why? Because it wouldn’t be fair?

A good breakdown of Tuckers BS. :joy:

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I’m saving this as a screen cap because it’s great as is and I really don’t even need to bother watching whatever the video is.


I mean, think about what you are saying. You are dismissing American citizens being killed because it was overseas. It’s naive to think it couldn’t happen here.



First, let’s define who we’re talking about when we say government because unfortunately, it’s becoming all too common for armed local governments (police) to attack and needlessly kill citizens with some regularity these days. Do they not?

So are you talking about something like the CPD, LAPD, or NYPD using drones to attack 3,000 or so armed protesters? State Troopers? Or the US military?

Are you worried about a Tiananmen Square type event? I don’t believe the students/protesters were armed? I think you are severely miscalculating the havoc that a million angry armed citizens can cause for even the mightiest governments such as the US military (let alone local police forces) and what they can do to disrupt tyranny

You’re also not considering that a significant percentage of military personnel would in fact defect to the side of the citizens. It is not inconceivable to me in the era of Trump that the government may one day soon come knocking on our doors. I think they’re already doing this to catch illegal immigrants often in clear violation of 4th Amendment rights

So back to where I started. I’m not at all against common sense gun reform. But just on both sides. Let local governments demilitarize first. Then us

I am not saying it couldn’t happen here. In fact, that’s exactly what I’m saying! I’m just making the point that an armed populace is more of a factor in preventing such a scenario than most realize. I do think it would be a huge mistake for the government to use drones and WMDs against its citizens. They would certainly have to think twice, thrice, and more before doing so. It would create worldwide havoc

Any real resistance to the government would rapidly attract weapons from foreign nations looking to destabilize the US. Lots of explosives and heavy duty small arms most likely.

The kind of weapons the US population has now are sort of useful for guerrilla warfare, so they’d do better in the initial phases of the uprising, but that advantage wouldn’t matter especially much to the long term result. Either the government has lost the will of the people or it hasn’t. If enough of the citizens decide the government has to go and are willing to do something serious about it the lesson of the 20th and 21st century is that an outside power can’t hold territory without those citizens consent.

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It’s as realistic as you going all Rambo on a bunch of rogue cops.

But yeah I don’t think the govt is going to drone people - I just think it’s a ridiculous idea that 2A people trot out. You’ve somehow latched onto this weird rogue cop theory.

I believe we have your answer.

If we are talking about an armed insurrection we are talking about the national guard or the military.