‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

+1 to the short term thinking thing. In other news short term thinking is an absolute cancer on our politics AND our economy.

Creating a public disturbance, curiously enough.

A good guy with a gun is narrowly defined as a white christian with a gun by those stalwarts of decency.

Don’t worry, Wal-Mart is on it.



Welcome to being a woman. Or a non-white person. it’s bullshit, ain’t it?

I used to have to practice hiding under a desk to duck a nuclear bomb. I am just not heightened to this as much as I should be to be honest.

I am being sincere, it should bother me a lot more but I think that experience is part of why I don’t. I was a little kid being told to hide under a desk to avoid a nuclear bomb. Made zero sense.

Nobody ever actually got blown up by a nuclear bomb though. We have a new major mass shooting every week.

This is another great example of the media not knowing how to cover Republicans in 2019. They just ask the Dems questions they already know the answers to, and when Republicans talk about it being a mental health issue they take them at face value.

They should be asking them WHAT they want to do with mental health, WHY they’re trying to remove mental health care from the ACA, etc…

We know that they don’t want to give more mental healthcare, nor do they want to prevent people with mental health issues from buying guns. I assume they just want to throw more people into mental health facilities on temp holds and such.

I know that when arguing with deplorables on Facebook, they never have a comeback on the issue. They know they’re anti-ACA, they know they’re anti background check, they know they don’t want to give free stuff to anybody regarding healthcare, and they know they want guns to be a mental health issue.

If one were to do a version of the Darwin Awards celebrating the stupidity of idiots with guns eliminating themselves from the gene pool, who should it be named after?

Might be time for regular people to wear vests everywhere, especially when shopping at Walmart.

I’ve seen people open-carry at Walmart. I noted it but it didn’t freak me out. The needle has moved some.

It’s sort of tricky, though, because the white nationalists wear vests when they shoot up Walmarts, so you have to wear a vest that does not make you look like a potential mass shooter.


Pride vests. Corporations will love that shit.

I’m a bit of an outlier here. I consider myself a hardcore leftist but pro 2A. I’m willing to debate this topic here or in a new thread.

I believe in the right to own firearms for protection or sport (no I’m NOT a hunter! But target practice can be a harmless fun activity. Beats bowling imo). I personally don’t see a need to own a semi automatic assault rifle capable of killing many people in a matter of minutes for self defense. If you have 10+ armed people storming your front door or approaching you in public you probably have more problems than an AR-15 can get you out of. But wait…

What heavily armed group is most likely to put you into such a situation? Good job if you guessed the biggest gang of heavily armed thugs in this country. THE POLICE! One of the first things people say when trying to argue that the 2A is outdated is no matter how many, or what types of guns are allowed, you will never be able to defend against the firepower of the government. To that, I say you’re probably right. Even if I think it’s greatly underestimated how difficult a few hundred, thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or a million armed people can make it if a tyrannical government ever tried to take over

Take a look at the next random cop you see and notice that they are outfitted to the point where it looks like they could deploy into a foreign combat zone. In fact, some police departments have fucking armored tanks!

So here’s my solution… Demilitarize the police first, or at least bilaterally with the public to the point where we get down to pea shooters and slingshots for all I care. But any weapon that cops are allowed to possess then so too should the public. Why is this NEVER brought up in the debate over gun regulations? Gun reformers just want to talk about banning certain types of guns. Gun nuts just want to talk about “don’t take away muh guns!”. But no one seems willing to talk about the elephant in the room. The ever growing militarized police forces we have in this nation

When did leftist liberals become the law & order party that Trump and the alt right advocate? Are we really comfortable giving all this power to police who already get away with cold blooded murder and constantly violate the constitutional rights of mostly minorities, but really anyone they feel like?

Okay come at me. Give me your best counter argument, but be polite, intelligent, and unemotional about it. I’m more than happy getting into statistics


You’re going to have to de-militarize the military for your argument to really hold water. They aren’t going to engage you and your AR-15 - they’ll just drone you.


The problem is that the people who oppose us on gun control are also going to oppose us on de-militarizing the police. They LOVE that shit.

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I’m skinny, basically a man-child (weighed 15 lbs more in HS), so if I wore one under a shirt it might not even be noticeable. Might make me look more normal in fact.

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Completely agree! That’s why rational liberals need to start bringing this up because redneck rubes are too stupid to, and ex police/military don’t want to. That’s the part most people don’t get. You ever hear cops talk about taking away the right to own guns? Hell no! They WANT these guns out there. It gives them reason to militarize further knowing that the public can’t keep up

Stop and really think about what you just said and whether or not it’s reasonable… Do you REALLY believe the American government is going to start droning its own citizens? Hey, they could just start dropping nukes on our cities too. Do you realize the ramifications of such actions? If not, I suggest you consider them