‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I had a guy on twitter threaten to doxx my github account - since I use my real name on twitter I guess that was the best he could do. He was like “jackspaniel huh - let’s see if there’s anything interesting in this code…” and a bunch of other lame cryptic threats.

I reported it to twitter who of course saw nothing wrong. Kinda hard for lame cryptic threats to come across when English isn’t your first language and you have 12.4 seconds to review each case or you lose your bathroom privileges.


jeez - that article.

The white powder was a protein supplement Bartram said he takes along with other Alex Jones’ branded nutritional supplements.

Brain Force?

"People can interpret my political opinion outside what they are; that’s their right,” he said. “But I’m definitely not a white supremacist.”


I can’t read it, but I’ll bet anything that the Washington quote on that bumper sticker is fake.

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“Guy who thinks real world operates by the same logic as internet chat boards is ‘lucky to be alive.’ Story at 11.”

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He was white wasn’t he?

If he was black, he wouldn’t be alive.

Honestly this particular dude doesn’t deserve to be alive. He should have been shot and killed with no warning… And then been written up as a Darwin award winner. Going into a Walmart armed and armored a few days after a mass shooting at a Walmart… If that doesn’t meet the standard for a ‘good guy with a gun’ to take you out I don’t know what does.


Edgelord level 10,000

I mean we either believe in a ‘good guy with a gun’ or we don’t. It took the Dayton shooter an amount of time better measured in seconds than minutes to kill 10 people. From any rational perspective a white dude armed with full combat gear walking into a public place is the very definition of flagged for PVP. His life is NOT worth more than the lives of literally everyone else around him.

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Not really, and it wasn’t a conscious reaction. 4 people stabbed and hacked to death by machete literally a couple blocks from my house a few days ago. Completely random attack by a seemingly normal dude. Not exactly encouraging to one’s general sense of safety.

This shit’s so normal now that I forgot about 4 years ago there was a spree killer on the freeway in about the same area near my house. I didnt see the guy, but I was on that freeway that morning going to school around the same time and heard the sirens. My professor it turned out had been shot at.

It’s absurd that I have to ask, but did this guy actually break any laws?

A better question would be whether it would break any laws to shoot him. A better case for self defense would be hard to make.

Sometimes people do dumb stuff that’s legal and die because of it. He very clearly believes in a crazy version of the second amendment and wants to exercise it. He took the risk and he should have experienced the consequences of that risk.

This is like people who exercise their right to free speech and then get butthurt when that has consequences. I’m sorry you lost your job for carrying a tiki torch at Charlottesville… but other people have the right to not associate with a complete piece of shit. It’s not illegal, but that doesn’t mean other people aren’t allowed to do something about it.

If I have to live in a country where I always know where the exits are (which honestly I already did because I grew up in bad neighborhoods where a shootout was never a complete impossibility… yet another result of guns being everywhere) then he has to live with the fact that he looked exactly like the Dayton shooter… and people have a right to defend themselves by shooting first and asking questions later.


I’m not always super comfortable rooting for people to die but i mean if your reaction after a super violent and tragic several weeks is to waltz into a walmart with body armor and a rifle, well, I won’t cry too hard if something happened.

Is there reason to believe he didn’t plan to go on a killing spree?

Another excellent question that supports my position that this should have been a fatal mistake. Particularly since you don’t get to do a deep dive on the guys online profiles before making the decision about whether to shoot or not in real time.

This was a massively massively unsafe thing to do. These ‘open carry’ dbags with their assault rifles need to understand that if they make other people feel terrified bad things might happen… and that’s the natural result of the world they want to live in.

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Did she think the grift would cover a 30 year mortgage?" The couple obtained a $1.46 million mortgage to finance the home’s purchase, according to Tarrant County property records." ($7k monthly payment at 4% interest.)


She was probably banking on being rewarded with a Fox News gig for her NRA spokesman stuff, plus these types seem to never think long term.