‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Hey @NotBruceZ, what the fuck is wrong with you?




Showtime has an 8-part documentary series called ‘Active Shooter: America Under Fire’

as sad and frightening as you like

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I caught myself walking out to my car today, checking out a guy getting something carefully out of his trunk. I definitely unconsciously paused for a few seconds to see if it was a weapon before he pulled out a huge drill. I didnt even realize I was doing it. I am not a scared person at all and this shocked me a lot.

This shit isn’t cool, man.

Redacted for privacy.

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What the hell is wrong with people? Not even sure what point this guy was trying to make with this stunt but luckily no one died this time.

Every time I go to the movies and somebody gets up in the middle my heart rate goes up until they come back and sit down.

Knowing nothing other than what’s in that report I wouldn’t rule out him intending to shoot the place up and not following through.

Sounds like what a non-white person does every day.


Either that or he wanted to make a big deal about how he has the right to bring guns and ammo where ever he pleases. Just dumb.

It’s always fun when you read those local news sites and have zero idea what state it’s in. Oh - Springfield - that narrows it down to maybe 48 states.


More fun. Just hanging out in the car with guns and knives, looking for false flag evidence or something.

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This forum kicks ass btw - instant expanding of links, pasting images, live thread update. 2p2 feels so clunky to me now.


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My wife and I went to see the Impractical Jokers at an outdoor ampitheatre this weekend. After we sat down, she pointed towards the closest exit and said “Thats our out if anything goes down.”

She wasn’t joking.

@microbet that drill is bonkers. The cops point guns at the kids and then what, is that the whole drill? I don’t get it, what’s it supposed to prepare the kids for?

As many of you probably remember, a few of us got threatened with doxxing on 2p2 by white supremacists. My buddy who has been very outspoken on Facebook about it got a threatening voicemail from a blocked number today, so I’m helping him find and remove some of his personal info online.

Putting it in this thread since it seems more related to the trend of white nationalism than anything else, and that’s being discussed more in here.

It was an active shooter drill. Here’s another choice bit…they are told that if the fire alarm goes off they are not to leave their classrooms because a shooter may pull the fire alarm in order to get people out to shoot them. They are supposed to wait a minute or something and there’s a second signal. Anyway, they hide in their classrooms for a while, there’s some signal from the police they can come out and then they march out with their hands up while the police run around pointing guns at everyone making sure the shooter isn’t amongst them. You’ve probably seen that happening in the real shootings either at schools or there was one at a mall recently. I guess it’s supposed to get the kids ready to have their hands up when they see police and then follow police orders.

It’s not like I’m the only one, and I’ve said things to other people in the community, but it’s a relatively small minority whose reaction isn’t “it’s too bad we HAVE to do this, but thank God we have such a wonderful police force protecting our kids!”

My theory is that bullies often use the tactics that work against them. Gathering information on white nationalists and publishing it is something that will hurt them. Since this is a gun thread, I’ll say that I am in favor of forcing registration of all guns so that we can know how many weapons they have if they show signs of being a danger.


It’s depressing how many people on Twitter are hailing the Springfield incident as proof that we need more guns so more good guys can stop the bad guys.