‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Then you end up with AmericanChopperchairthrow.jpg

Oh wait, thats right, our software kicks ass now.


Hmmm, no, correcting.

There we go.

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This is the first thing that came to my mind as well.

Probably didn’t have a dad at home and he got named that so he could become toughened up.

Oh yeah. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better, especially if Trump wins in 2020. In that case, they’re gonna start putting the libs in the camps.

Ultimately they are the party of allowing crazy people to have access to guns. It doesn’t support their argument to bring up an example of a crazy person who had access to guns if it turned out to actually be a bad thing for them. It would also expose the hypocrisy of their second amendment support (“the people need guns so they can fight against a tyrannical government! oh wait…”).

Take is too hot imo.

Maybe they just don’t like Steve Scalise that much. I think there’s something here about them preferring it to be a troll game and it being easier for them if it’s about milkshakes or outright lying about the Dayton shooter than if it’s something more real or politically relevant.

But the unwashed Trumpkins would be plenty capable of endlessly posting online about Scalise even if Hannity thought it might put other GOP politicians in danger to talk about it too much.

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Yeah, and they will probably back off Dayton pretty soon as well. They don’t want to make people with guns, at least white people with guns, look bad.



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I think this is accurate.

Btw nice 100-bagger by your in-laws.

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The semi-automatic rifles that they pointed at the kids were supposed to be unloaded. But if this kind of thing is done all over the country over and over…


That video…jesus.


Not going to lie, every gun nut I’ve ever met was at least somewhat mentally ill. Massively insecure at the very least. Not gun owners so much… I’ve known plenty of sane rural people who owned a firearm or two… but bona fide gun nuts with 5+ firearms per member of their household? Not close to fully sane.

Zero of the people who carried a gun around with them everywhere were close to sane. Every single one was ITCHING for something to happen so that they could get some. Constantly fantasizing about ‘needing to use my weapon’ is not a sign of robust mental health.


I used to play Mobile Strike and there was a guy in my alliance that was a gun nutter. He would schedule in weekends where he would clean his guns. He had over 400 and it was a family affair where they would clean/polish guns. He would talk about it on Facebook and share pictures like it was the most normal thing to do. I remember one time him and his wife had to sleep in the living room because there were so many guns on their bed and they didn’t want to screw it up.

My first girlfriend in college told me it turned her on the first time we had a fight and I started yelling. She wrote me an erotic letter (pre-internet days) about how it rattled her breastbone. That shit messes with your head.

Fast forward to a few years ago and my girlfriend physically attacked me twice in fights when I started yelling. I finally learned not to yell.

2 nights before I left for my big trip, I was out with old coworkers, I ended up charging and screaming at this weirdo dude who was messing with us. He was little and I knew he wasn’t armed so it really didn’t take that much courage on my part. Anyway this hot Indian girl that I work with kept going on and on about how I stuck up for her. I probably could have gotten a nice send off if she was remotely that kind of girl. By the time I got back the spell had worn off apparently.

Chicks man.

I see these scenario’s every Saturday night…

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It’s like that commercial where the wife thinks her husband is stealing, because he saved so much money on car insurance or something - so she immediately goes into full-blown Bonnie and Clyde mode and is clearly super turned on.

Reminds me of an episode of Breaking Bad, where they do it in the parking lot of the school as he’s turning into more of a bad guy.

Freaking women and their rich fantasy life. Why can’t they just be happy with a couple minutes, release, snack, nap - like normal people?