Maybe - but we also allow you to assert self-defense in defense of others. Basically if you have a gun, and have any plausible justification to start blasting away, there is a decent chance you can claim self-defense.
Ever since Rittenhouse, I have thought about some hypothetical situation, where you have two opposing, protesting mobs. One person pulls a gun in a crowd due to fear, which causes another to act in self defense, which causes another to act in self defense, and so on leading to mass carnage. And theoretically no single person is guilty of an actual crime.
There is no blanket law that defines every case of self defense. Theyre going to look at to what degree did the person escalate the situation, the imminent danger to themself and the person they were supposedly protecting, whether or not their actions warrent the risk of harm to the bystanders and was the least amount of force used to accomplish that.
A brief look into all of that and 2nd degree seems perfectly reasonable.
This seemed like it could be over-the-top clickbait so I looked into it and the data is maddening. There have been 2,070 shootings by children from 2015-2020, that’s like one person a day getting shot by a kid.
There were 98 deaths that resulted from unintentional shootings by children from March through December 2019 compared to 128 over that same period in 2020, research by the advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety shows.
I’m surprised toddlers haven’t killed more people. It would be scary to be a tiny human that can barely defend yourself against anything. “Peek-a-boo?”, nah more like “Peek-a-boom! Get out of my face!” You’d think the “Stand Your Ground” defense would be rock-solid, at least to the Reasonable Toddler standard.
everyone knows toddlers are freeloading psychopaths, literally eating through people’s savings, and the law treats them with literal and metaphorical kid gloves. if an adult did even a tenth of that, they’d be put in jail with cash bail. end the apartheid imho. (no kids).
They would probably go with something like “It wasn’t the gun it was the irresponsible gun owner who didn’t properly secure the gun. All of us law abiding, responsible gun owners shouldn’t have our guns taken away because of a few bad apples.”
I know you are probably joking but kids get mad. If they have any concept of a gun being dangerous they could use it intentionally. It’s pretty horrific.