‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

It’s rare to see a politician just outright apologize for being wrong.



And if you were wondering what Susan Collins would say:


He will recant. Just wait.

She is my short list of people I’d like to shout at in an airport. Just a disgrace.


Zero credit. This is just a total lack of basic human empathy. A bunch of people have to be shot in my town to realize it is bad when a bunch of people get shot.


I initially misread one letter in that…

Oh, you

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My thought exactly. Why must we directly suffer from something to know it’s bad. You should be able to extrapolate how bad people feel when their town is shot up and their friends and family were murdered.

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Every time another massacre happens I find myself envisioning the chaos and terror of it happening to me. Like I’ll be walking through the grocery store and randomly realize that it could happen right now. I ask myself what would I do? Where would I run. Or tonight while I was getting my hair cut, the thought that some asshole could waltz right in and slaughter everyone in the salon trickled in to my brain.

I hate it. I hate that this stupid fucking country has allowed this cancer to just continue growing, while half the population cheers the malignant tumor on. I hate that children have to drill for these scenarios, and that way too many have to experience the terror and bloodshed first-hand. I hate it.

And I hate that we are helpless to prevent or avoid a good guy with a weapon of war suddenly becoming a bad guy with a weapon of war. At least with something like COVID I could wear a mask, get vaccinated, stay away from people who are sick, etc. But with this it’s just so random and unfair.



Do we not all imagine that we’d disarm the shooter, club him unconscious with his own weapon, and be carried out on the shoulders of appreciative men to the awaiting legions of women driven crazy with lust by our bravery?


Live look in to LFS’ head.


I have that thought for a fleeting second, before returning to reality and looking for the nearest exit.

palestinians around the world wondering why america isn’t leveling every building in maine with air strikes rn


I grew up in Maine though I don’t live there anymore. Sad to see it in the news for this but it can happen anywhere. I hope my children live to see sensible gun laws in this country.

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Is this guy still on the run? That’s terrifying.

Yes he is.

They still have large areas on lockdown.

The depressing update


first thought that always comes to mind

before reality of I’d get shot and killed

then thinking about it again

I don’t think about the appreciative men part though.

The guy who stopped the shooter in Monterey Park in Los Angeles had a few ceremonies and awards, but seems to have been otherwise forgotten pretty quickly. We’ll have to track him down and ask him how it’s been going with the ladies.