‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I have never heard Maine or any other state called the most peaceful.


My first guess was Hawaii. I’m ashamed, I live in the actual best place.

Obviously this doesn’t = peaceful, Maine I would definitely qualify as more abstractly peaceful than most any other state so I get it.



False flag plant body.

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Ooo is the body really Alex Jones?



Brutal, bet NYT headline writer is pissed they didn’t think of this first.


Well, at least he wasn’t able to buy a silencer…

In b4 the entire right says see we don’t need more gun laws.

I was assured people like this would just illicitly obtain the firearm and firearm accessories.

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I mean I’m glad be couldn’t buy it but come on mr. I sell weapons of death on the reg.

Lachapelle added "we did what we were supposed to do and hopefully saved a lot of lives by the proper, just following the proper procedures.”

he checked off a box that incriminated himself saying that he was in an institution

so if he didn’t check that box he would’ve gotten it?

Presumably, yes… But, years later, he might have been prosecuted for lying on the form (odds of this happening are higher if he happens to be related to a President)


If you are not a minority I am guessing the chances of being charged for that are 0.0%.

sorry buddy you’re in way after that


Jesus christ the incompetence

The whole “let’s focus on mental health” argument gets shot down by cases like this. Red flags were raised about his mental health and nothing happened. And in most cases, nothing will happen. People like DeSantis who think people can be involuntarily committed to mental health facilities before they commit mass shootings are delusional. That’s like saying we should jail people who fit the profile of a criminal before they commit any crimes. We don’t really do such things in this country. Sure, there should be improvements to the mental health system, but we probably won’t succeed in committing crazy people before they do crazy things. So maybe focus on getting the assault weapons off the street, or no?


You’re totally right in your observations, but it must be said that we really should push for the obvious combo of more mental health treatment (not just prison, ldo) AND fewer guns.