‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

what a joke to only get 6 months

White privilege

Great redemption story of a republican Tennessee mother that got sick and tired of school shootings and started becoming an activist for gun control. She stepped into action after Sandy Hook and Parkland and… hahaha, just kidding. There was a shooting at her sons school and now she wants stricter gun laws. She still a gun owner though!




ETA: There’s this gem from the story:

He explained that constituents come to him all the time asking for red flag laws and other “big things.” He said those “blatantly violate the Constitution, so I could never support those things. But other things that we’ve talked about that would be very effective, we can and should do.”
He had another idea for Alexander.

He said he hopes to introduce legislation during the special session to designate the Aitken Bible, the first Bible printed in the United States with congressional authorization, in 1782, as Tennessee’s official state book for one year.

Bulso said he wants to remind people that “our country really was founded on moral principles found in the Christian faith.”

The proposal would be “ridiculed” by some, Bulso acknowledged. But he said the root causes of American violence are “the breakdown of the family” and “moral decline,” not guns.

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Looks like Tennessee has a law that no signs are allowed in the legislative building. But you can bring a gun:

Seems like the smart play here is to get a really big gun and paint it with whatever you’re protesting.


This is the single most perfect, distilled down to their core, GOP law one can imagine. Just a perfect chefs kiss.


Second amendment > First amendment because 2 is more than 1, obv.


But weirdly 14th, not that great.

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They have released video of this and its very fucked up.

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Shots fired on UNC’s campus. Emergency alert about an armed and dangerous suspect. That’s all I know right now.

My clinic is one town over, so we locked all the doors, and are keeping patients here until we get the all clear.

This is the 2nd active shooter situation I’m adjacent to in the last 9 months.



From my nephew:

in Wilson with about a dozen other people in a locked office, i got a pretty good view of the police response

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It’s barely even trending on Twitter.

Seems like when I was young we never had school shootings until after Labor Day

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Suspect still at large, as of 2 minutes ago. Shelter in place order stands.

Local elementary schools are locked down too, waiting for the all clear.

I have a feeling traffic is gonna SUCK whenever I eventually get out of here.

News is saying shooter’s in custody.

No word on the final score.

I opened this thread not expecting a NEW shooting. I need to adjust my expectations.