‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

After brief googling I think the best explanation for how common this is is because workers spend more time in the sun and get darker and aristocrats stay inside.

This was absolutely the logic behind women buying skin bleaching products in China.

Light skin = appearance of wealth and higher social status

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…so tanning is woke?

At some point in some cultures most people got to/had to stay indoors most of the time and a tan indicated you had leisure time.

I can’t see how this could go wrong:

Granny, get your gun. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) told a rapt Kayleigh McEnany Tuesday on Fox News that grandparents could join a force of armed military vets and retired police officers to protect schools from shootings.

This is like how voting started out with white land owning males and slowly expanded out to be everyone, but for guarding things.

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Using cops and military veterans to soak up bullets aimed at kids is a plan I can get behind.

Also, these white males could very well have watched too much Tucker, or be under the throes of senile dementia or PTSD.

I for one would feel much safer if Feinstein was sitting outside my daughter’s school with a shotgun.


Shocking. The worst senator in the country proposes one of the worst ideas ever

DiFi did what now?

I was leaning towards charging him as an adult until I read this.

Mom should get locked up for awhile.

He has ADHD? We should throw him a parade.

Just another day in America, where the price we pay for freedumb is accepting that a kid can randomly walk through a neighborhood slaughtering anybody he comes across.

Also just another day in America where the price we pay for freedumb is accepting that you can murder someone who is trying to flee after committing a petty crime and you won’t face any charges.

The SCOTUS today decided not to issue a stay against a recently passed Illinois assault weapons ban. The law will stay in effect pending the ultimate resolution of the cases, one of which was heard by the state supreme court yesterday.


I just see a big news headline where target has the media making headline stories about them losing 500 million from theft.

I hate how the media and retail outlets have conspired in this narrative. Theft has always been a big issue in retail. Also employee theft has been and is a massive part of it. It’s not some new scourge of the countryside, but the media is basically republishing press releases at this point.

I shopped at Target today and forgot to pay for one small item. I went back in and paid. Just doing my part to save the company hundreds of millions.

