‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

What if his family is from Spain?

Plenty of white hispanic people imo, and racial identity politics has a long history in Latin America. Terms like espanol and castizo used to be very real things, and that bias isn’t completely gone.



It’s amazing how the right always hates the people or group with least power and/or being attacked.

Imagine thinking the Ukraine is at fault with the current war.

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I saw some cute pictures of FDR and Teddy Roosevelt in little pink dresses yesterday.

Didn’t know all babies wore dresses because it was easier to change them.


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Pink was the boy color because it was a softer red, which was for aggression and war and blood. Blue was for girls because it’s the color for St. Mary. Then we flipped for no real reason.


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Oh sweet, who wants to line up for their share of the next billion he will be paying?

Yeah, I have read that there is lots of racism in Latin America and similar racial hierarchies based on how European someone looks.

Actual sociopaths.

This is correct. Growing up in south America the stereotypes were that a black person was dumb, an indigenous person ignorant, and being white was desirable. These stereotypes were prevalent and even portrayed on TV shows (think, blackface or equivalent) as recently as in the 2010`s.

A portion of Hispanics who move to the US still hold these beliefs, and that’s why you see 30-40% support for Republicans in that group.

I myself (a white Hispanic immigrant to the US) feel like I had to re-educate myself to leave those stereotypes behind.


Yah of course. My wife (darker skin) said the treatment her sister (lighter skin) got was markedly different growing up in Mexico City.

And just look at Mexican telenovelas and ads. 95% of the people will be white.

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I know a few Spanish descended Hispanics and they are some of the most racist people I’ve ever met against other “non white” Hispanics.

White supremacy is a bizarre beast. East and Southern Asian cultures have long standing biases for lighter skin. Quick pop quiz: is the statement “white skin makes up for seven defects” part of a Tucker Carlson rant or an ancient Japanese proverb?

Africa has a ton of colorism and it’s insane but true that lighter skin toned black people have social advantages over darker skin tone black people. Now, a lot of this flows from colonialism because the Euros, with their naturally superior intellects, divided up the black populations in Africa and assigned higher social status to the lighter skin toned group. This led to some genocide later on but you can’t make a racist omelet without breaking a few eggs.

White supremacy is a global phenomenon. The Tucker Carlson crew asserts that this is because it’s Natural and Correct, but even though that’s a stupid idea I don’t thing one can really understand White Supremacy without understanding the “flexibility” in what makes a person “White”. People think it’s obvious, which it is when a Good Ol’ Boy from Alabama is trying to hang a black guy for looking at his sister, but in the bigger picture and with the historical view the entire concept of whiteness and white supremacy is actually just mostly bullshit.



Real EthnocentricHeads know that ASIANS are by far the most racist people on the planet.

It takes a real sharp painful ignorance to disagree.