‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Because the government can only do bad things, by doing nothing he is doing the best job that a government employee can do!

I think it’s not on the list because it took place at multiple locations, with no one location meeting the criteria for “mass shooting.” This particular type of horror gets compartmentalized under the moniker “Shooting Spree” instead.

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Cool I will check it out and see what they say. Although twist might be right. It’s two locations.

Edit: I sent an email to mother jones. Also going to look at the Reddit site mentioned in the op-Ed.

Although w the fbi definition it seems like it might not count but the deaths were 4 and 2 so the western trucking part should have been noted.

For at least the past decade, the F.B.I. regarded a mass shooting as a single attack in which four or more victims were killed.

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Ugh Twitter messing up somehow let me see a tweet that’s been deleted

Why are they releasing this footage? I feel like it serves little benefit beyond inspiring the next lunatic.

Because it makes them look good.


Yeah I’d rather the cops err on the side of releasing more footage to the public.

I’m sure there is security footage of a 7 year old getting lit up my a machine gun. Maybe that would move the needle.

I truly think most GOP Congress people would vote against gun control in the aftermath of their own child’s death in a school shooting. They couldn’t even bring themselves to convict Trump after 1/6.

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Insurrectionist shithead is on top of things

Derpy twitter is legit scary right now. In their minds trans people have been waging war on Christians for years now, and this is just a natural extension.

They’re going full on Nazi shit painting the oppressed minority as the sinister one doing the oppressing, who needs to be stopped at any cost.

For the purpose of what? The shooter is dead.

Seriously what can one do about the trans hate train. I am asking earnestly.

There’s still a line?


Wait 5 days. If there’s one thing America is good at it’s resetting to the status quo in the wake of a mass shooting.

Not that the world was great for trans people before yesterday, but we tend to forget damn near everything about mass shootings rather quickly and this is one time I’m sort of hoping it’s true.

There is body cam footage out. I dis on cops a lot, but it looks like they finally found some who did their job


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How dare they politicize this tragedy we are already politicizing??


I’ve never been able to wrap my mind around the combination of relentlessness and shamelessness that fuels right wing politics. These people deserve a fate I’m not comfortable putting in writing.