‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Seriously, every day I wonder how people can be that way.

Like yes, I get it, people will do literally anything for money, conceded.

But these people already have all the money. And still they take to the airwaves with seemingly endless reserves of energy to spout bullshit they know is bullshit at the cost of children dying for money they have no use for. It’s a level of “being a piece of shit” I truly can’t comprehend.

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Cue NBZ’s entrance music




The history of mankind is the history of the misuse of freedom.

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Because they are fundamentally different, alien, and morally inferior.

Gotta be worth a try at least?

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I don’t want to go too far in glorifying the police, but,

I’m glad the blowback after Uvalde seems to have taught police forces in the country a valuable lesson.

If there’s an active shooter situation, and you’re first on the scene, you don’t care if they have AR-15’s, you don’t wait for the border patrol tactical team. You run in there like Leroy Jenkins, because every live second the shooter has means more dead kids. And if you get got because of superior firepower, well…. That’s the job you sign up for when you put on that uniform.

Of course 6 dead is too many. But it could have been worse if the police fucked around with perimeters and evacuations instead of going straight from the jump.

Which pronouns should be used to refer to the shooter in news articles?
  • He/him
  • She/her
  • Other
  • I don’t know

0 voters

I think the closest approximation I can think of is addiction. I am certain that they get a little boost of brain chemicals every time their conservative hot button issues are pushed. Where we experience only despair, anger, sadness when we see a bunch of dead school kids, their brain chemistry has been so messed up by propaganda that the words “the shooter was trans” will give many of them a feeling of elation.

CTRL+F “thoughts”: 0 results found
CTRL+F “prayers”: 0 results found


This wouldn’t make a lick of difference.

I think you may be right. R Congress people having their own kids killed would just drive them to blame Woke Liberals and double down on pushing through concentration camps for people they don’t like.

I don’t know. Republicans have a remarkable ability to care about shit when it actually effects them.

There was a mass shooting where over 20 republican congressmen were present and nothing happened.

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I don’t “know” either but people in cults do not behave the way you would behave.

So despite strict gun control there were still 10 gun deaths therefore gun control didn’t work therefore chessmate libtard. Also what happens when 30-50 wild boars invade their property.

Wtf is wrong with us?


Wild boars, and bears, are a problem in Japan. In such cases, the town’s designated, licensed hunter is called upon to do the dirty deed.


The original article, for verification:

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