‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Yeah those kids were well-hidden somewhere. You don’t see any in the videos. Probably helps that it’s a small school with small class size. Much harder to hide a bunch of kids in a big public school like Uvalde.

At 5;20

Did they just sprint by the corpse of an elementary school kid?

This is why I’m terrible at first-person shooters, my mind can’t process what’s going on fast enough.

Yes. It’s so depressing, but pretty sure that is protocol in an active shooter situation. Don’t stop to render aid until the shooter is stopped. This is one instance where I give cops some praise for having to deal with this shit.

This one trick schools hate!

I know of a workplace shooting in 1982 that isn’t showing on there but might have been 81 guess I need to double check. 5 people were killed.


The original data comes from here:

There’s only one listed entry from 1982. Eight dead at a welding shop in Florida.

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I think the responses to the follow up questions are even more ridiculous:



“Criminals are going to be criminals”. This bullshit blows my mind. Two days ago, she was a “law-abiding citizen exercising her right to bear arms”. Now it’s “criminals are going to be criminals”. She had no criminal record that I’m aware of. Seems like the case with most of these shooters.

“Sir, what can Congress do to help stop school shootings?”

Rep. Burchett:



It’s really going to take some amount of republican congress people’s kids getting shot to move the needle. It’s a shame that’s what it’s going to take, but until it affects them personally they have no interest in doing anything to fix it.

That’ll get one vote per kid. If that.


I looked it up. Found a Wikipedia for it. Was august of 1982. My dad ran that division of jewel at the time and those people who got shot worked for him.

Weird that it’s not on the list.

I have talked about this before, but this shooting had a profound impact on the life of so many people, myself included. I was just fortunate my dad was not there that day. I later worked in the warehouse for one of the guys who survived the shooting. He had like six or seven bullets left inside.

After this shooting the office was locked down. The receptionist desk had bulletproof glass and you had to be buzzed in. But any warehouse is still vulnerable with bay doors.

Funny reading about it. My dad really never talked about it so there was a lot I didn’t know.




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I just feel like they would say their kids should have been armed and they would push for armed children before gun control.

Jesus, fuck this guy so hard. What EXACTLY do you do in a day, Rep Burchett? Can you give me an hour by hour breakdown of your daily work?

Oh no, they all homeschool their kids, dontcha know? Fuck those poors who have to send their kids to public school.

Hmm. That was been before that 8/20/82 welding shop case so maybe that was just the point they arbitrarily decided to start tracking. Maybe it’s worth trying to get them to add your case.

Here is their criteria fwiw:

When we began compiling our database in 2012, we used that criteria of four or more killed in public attacks, but excluded mass murders that stemmed from robbery, gang violence or domestic abuse in private homes. Our goal with this relatively narrow set of parameters was to better understand the seemingly indiscriminate attacks that have increased in recent years, whether in movie theaters, elementary schools or office parks.


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