‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


Yup. As the prophet George Zimmerman would tell you, it’s part of God’s plan.

Guess all schools need bullet proof glass now, locks are no good




Who would have thought locked glass doors might not deter someone armed with an AR-15?

What’s amazing is more kids didn’t die. I wonder what happened there.

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Why is it approximately periodic?

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Yeah thats interesting. There is very little activity in Obama I and then a big spike after his reelection


This is chilling. No violence other than shooting out the door. But the shooter just walks the halls so calmly.

Also I think the alarm going off (flashing) is probably what saved a bunch of lives. The halls are completely deserted. Guessing everyone was hiding because of the alarm.

Looks like it might be a plotting artifact since two circles can’t go on top of each other.

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Chilling indeed

Because the right are experts at inventing problems out of non problems and the left along with corporate media allow them to get away with it

If only there hadn’t been so much dancing on 9/11.

This would have been helpful information to advance during the penalty stage of the trial. Alas.

Zim is just another killer, like Audrey, who only killed because he was antagonized.

9/11 the most obvious healing moment. Surge in violence right after the ban, lol Cohen.

Who knew that spreading around heaps of hatred and millions of guns would lead to any problems?

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Mu neighbor subscribes to the Post, which tilts me because I see it sitting in front of his door every morning. Today’s headline (in all caps): Transgender killer targets Christian school. I’m not holding my breath for their future reporting to call out future killers as cisgender.


We need to use pictures. Obviously the outrage isn’t yet enough for action. Use these, but add the unrecognizable corpses. Make people see the reality.


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(WARNING: contains actual shooting)

Jesus - it’s a real life first-person shooter.

As crazy as it is that we have to have these lockdown drills there’s no doubt in my mind that they have saved a lot of lives during these school shootings.