‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

It probably helps more than anything


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I know these guys think Rogan is their ideological pal now but I can’t imagine Rogan, as an entertainer interested in ratings, would want anything to do with a political debate on his podcast

Especially one where the right wing guy is going to get annihilated.

Love how he implies that the video was selectively edited to make him look bad. I don’t think any editing could make him look worse.

Bam! Completely exonerated in the eyes of conservatives. And of course the JRE meeting not happening means that he would’ve totally won against Stewart in a “neutral field”.

Thankfully, his comments in that tweet are getting ratio’d hard by most.



They think they win if they drive engagement, no matter how people actually think. That’s why they feel very threatened by Twitter bans and other forms of de-platforming.

I mean they probably do.

AOC has like no actual power in politics yet she’s one of the most well-known politicians in Congress because of the engagement.

This guy isn’t even in Congress. He’s a fucking state senator who’s trying to get something going. Maybe bigger donations from NRA members and/or trying to launch a federal run at office.

Rogan’s schtick would be more consistent to bring on Stupid Republican guy and just let him tell a bunch of lies and spread conspiracy theories while Joe “Free Thinker” Rogan keeps saying “WOW” and “WHY DON’T WE EVER HEAR ABOUT THIS FROM THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA?”


Wouldn’t want them doing this:

This is pure insanity


Almost a year after Texas’ deadliest school shooting killed 19 children and two teachers, there is still confusion among investigators, law enforcement leaders and politicians over how nearly 400 law enforcement officers could have performed so poorly. People have blamed cowardice or poor leadership or a lack of sufficient training for why police waited more than an hour to breach the classroom and subdue an amateur 18-year-old adversary.

But in their own words, during and after their botched response, the officers pointed to another reason: They were unwilling to confront the rifle on the other side of the door.

A Texas Tribune investigation, based on police body cameras, emergency communications and interviews with investigators that have not been made public, found officers had concluded that immediately confronting the gunman would be too dangerous. Even though some officers were armed with the same rifle, they opted to wait for the arrival of a Border Patrol SWAT team, with more protective body armor, stronger shields and more tactical training — even though the unit was based more than 60 miles away.

“You knew that it was definitely an AR,” Uvalde Police Department Sgt. Donald Page said in an interview with investigators after the school shooting. “There was no way of going in. … We had no choice but to wait and try to get something that had better coverage where we could actually stand up to him.”

Uvalde school district Police Chief Pete Arredondo, who was fired in August after state officials cast him as the incident commander and blamed him for the delay in confronting the gunman, told investigators the day after the shooting he chose to focus on evacuating the school over breaching the classroom because of the type of firearm the gunman used.

“We’re gonna get scrutinized (for) why we didn’t go in there,” Arredondo said. “I know the firepower he had, based on what shells I saw, the holes in the wall in the room next to his. … The preservation of life, everything around (the gunman), was a priority.”

Officers arriving at Robb Elementary on May 24 had similar reactions as they realized that the gunman had an AR-15.

“You know what kind of gun?” state Trooper Richard Bogdanski asked in a conversation captured on his body-camera footage outside of the school.

“AR. He has a battle rifle,” a voice responded.

“Does he really?” another asked.

The Texas Tribune thanks its sponsors.

“What’s the safest way to do this? I’m not trying to get clapped out,” Bogdanski said.


Jon Stewart made a great point when he said you cant both Back the Blue and not want AR-15s off the street. But of course Owning the Libs takes precedence over Back the Blue or anything else for that matter. So the next logical conclusion is to start advertising how much we love AR-15s because they are the weapon that cops fear the most.


I get the point he’s trying to make, but he’s wrong.

Cops don’t want AR-15s off the street. If they did, they could easily use their political power to get that done.

Police associations come out for gun control all the time.

If Newtown couldn’t get AR-15s off the street, I doubt police associations can.

Gun nuts are single issue voters and they will abandon the R party in a heartbeat if they see an iota of capitulation on guns. Which will destroy the R party.

It’s almost 10 years old, but I doubt attitudes have changed.

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Seems like I see stuff like this all the time.

Even bastards don’t like getting shot.

Yeah, gun lobby >> police

Yeah, maybe some high level cops (i.e. very political positions) in cities (i.e. often quite liberal places) say that stuff.

I’m not buying for a second that the rank-and-file believe that, nor do ~any cops in red, rural areas.

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What can you offer cops politically to get them to throw their entire weight behind gun control?

Amazing how all these officers aren’t in favor of gun control, yet are so scared of criminals with guns.