‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I’d imagine that the overwhelming majority of cops in the bluest areas are still against any gun control.

When Arizona’s dumbass legislature was trying to arm teachers like 15 years ago, I watched committee hearings where sheriffs from the reddest counties were unanimously opposed to the proposals. They all had presentations based on how armed teachers would create rescue scenarios which increased danger dramatically.

I’m sure they all voted for Republicans, because what else are you going to do in tumbleweed land, but the people in charge of Trump Country’s safety didn’t want any guns near schools.

I think it’s a mistake to think that cops or anyone else need to be logically consistent. That’s centrist Dem stuff that leads to “dunking” on conservatives on social media by pointing out that conservative beliefs are self contradictory or inconsistent, meanwhile conservatives are not just comfortable but actually ecstatic about ideas like “Urban thugs shouldn’t be allowed to have guns, that’s not gun control, that’s just common sense. But the second amendment protects my right to have AR-15s, the constitution cannot be compromised”.


Sure, I just think that there is a difference between the mindset of cops and why those folks are attracted to joining the force and some OG republican sitting in his recliner yelling at the clouds that the “urban thugs shouldn’t have guns.” I’m sure that there’s cops that would prefer to have guns completely eliminated to make things easier but from my experience from the convo with talking to off duty POs from quite a few shooting courses over two decades wasn’t about disarmament but more of the “cops and robbers” talk that goes back to reasons why they joined and why they are particularly different as a whole.

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Fucking A man.

Does anyone have any guidance or resources on having conversations with a smart and inquisitive grade schooler on how to talk with them about this shit. Our school does lockdown drills and they’re at the age where the school has told them it’s in case an animal (bear, bobcat) get inside the school and they need to move away from the door and stay quiet. But I feel like that’s not going to suffice much longer.


It’s not a gunman this time, it’s a gunwoman. That’s different. Two assault rifles and a handgun.

Shooter being reported to be a teen female, that’s unusual.

Really makes you feel like you’re a part of history.


How often does this happen at private vs public schools?

woke AF

Just imagine if it was a trans person doing the shooting.

16k tuition for K-6.

This is weird. I used to go to the church where the student-parent reunification is taking place.


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Really amazed that FOX didn’t cut her off and go to the anchor quicker. You could tell they were thinking about it.