‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America



I’ve seen conservatives claiming these are part of a Chinese plot to distract people from Biden’s problems.

Is there any evidence these shootings are connected? I’ll confess to not paying much attention to them, but it seems astonishing that Californian Asian Boomers are suddenly mowing people down.

They definitely don’t fit the mass-shooter profile. Just a lot of speculation with no real evidence (that we know of) at this point.

I’m just lol-ing at right wing conspiracy theorists.

It’s roughly the equivalent of the media p-hunting and that’s all


Oh please, nobody cares about mass shootings.

Ill conceived and feckless is on brand though…

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Guns don’t kill people, elderly asian men kill people.

Only 39 mass shootings in the first 23/24 days of the year.

“It’s been 0 seconds since our last mass shooting” needs to be the clock in Time Square.


After a while they’ll just replace it with “billions and billions served”


I imagine myself to be someone who would bravely disarm a mass shooter like this guy did, but I don’t feel like he’s getting the recognition I thought would come along with it.

Hoodie guy seems to keep his cool way better than I could in that situation. He doesn’t even threaten the shooter with the gun after he gets control of it.


At this point, sure why not?



As they say, the only way to stop a bad boy with a gun is a good boy with a gun.


Pretty smart not to threaten the guy with the gun after taking control of it. That seems like it would increase the risk of getting shot by a cop who arrives on the scene or another random guy with gun.

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Yeah he appears to issue a stern scolding and that’s it. I thought at least he’d smash him in the face with the rifle butt or something.

A real dog shoots man story.

That guy showed incredible restraint. Obviously he’s not a cop.

Do we know if he knew the gunman?

She deserves every penny she gets.