‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Thanks that makes sense. Not sure how any amount of second amendment is going to prevent some dude from taking guns out of his house.

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Guns don’t kill people, six year olds with guns kill people.


It’s the if guns are outlawed only criminals will have guns argument but modified to if you take guns away from families then only family annihilators will have guns

But, in this case, it was the family annihilator that took the guns away! How are we supposed to stop that?

I guess they could be saying “Well, if the state takes the guns away, that’s one less thing the perp needs to do. Why make it easier for him?”.

jlawOK.jpg is really the only appropriate response to that.

How many 5-year-olds would it take to neutralize an armed 6-year-old?

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Hooooooly fuck

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Wait they didn’t shoot the toddler?

Guns are heavy. That toddler could probably kill you with his bare hands.

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“I need a gun to keep my family safe.”

The toddler is white.


Right down the street from me


Timely ad there


He had to protect his children. Cops knew what’s up.


At first blush, looks like an anti Chinese hate crime, but we shall see.

The conservative media has been focusing on hating Chinese people lately.

Man this makes me sick.

This is about 15 min south of me. The San Gabriel Valley is one of the largest Asian communities in the country.

Sickening that this is where my head goes, but probably anti Asian hate crime?

This asshole was next to me at a light the other day. When it turned green he peeled out like we were drag racing which made me laugh. The sticker on his window told me everything you need to know about him, and what the right wing propaganda machine is frothing people up about next. Nauseating.

My kid’s high school is 3 miles away on the campus of Cal State LA.

That area is heavily Chinese, you can drive down a main street for blocks and see basically no signs in English.

Either hate crime or gang-related.