‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

As the parent of 6 year old twins… what the fuck? My kids can barely open a capri sun.


Teacher was just asking for it by not opening capri sun


Husband kills his wife and their 5 kids after she files for divorce. Wife’s family puts out a lengthy statement that says it happened because she didn’t have a gun??? Cmon

As we try to make sense of this unthinkable tragedy we wish to express our gratitude for the outpouring of prayers, love, kindness and support. It is during times like these that our thoughts are drawn towards a loving and all knowing God who created a beautiful plan of salvation that extends far beyond the mortal loss of those most precious to us. The hurt and humility felt through these experiences only serves to draw us closer to Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and to express our overwhelming gratitude for his infinite, beautiful and powerful atonement. We invite all to seek the peace that can only be found through Him.

We wish to express our sincere appreciation for law enforcement, first responders, medical examiners, ecclesiastical leaders and all who have participated in this process. We hope the honor of your service is reciprocated. Thank you, we love you for the difficult service you render to communities.

We recognize heartbreak extends beyond our family and friends and is shared by neighbors, classmates and community. We express our love and appreciation to the people of Enoch for their warmth and love towards this beautiful family. We know that some may struggle with this insensible loss. It is our hope that any who need support, find the strength to reach out for appropriate help.

We would caution media outlets and the public at large about using our family’s story for any advocacy of political agendas. Protective arms were purposely removed from the home prior to the incident because all adults were properly trained to protect human life. This is the type of loss that will continue to occur in families, communities and this nation when protective arms are no longer accessible. It is our desire that the media turn their attention to the weightier matters surrounding this event. In place of political advocacy, we would encourage reporting about the value of all human life, the great works of God that can render a forgiving heart, how religion can heal and enlarge our capacity for love, and a return to foundational principles of peace within our nation. The reality is this tragedy serves as a call to the memory of God, religion, freedom, peace, and family and the efforts that are required to maintain those freedoms.

Details of funeral plans will be released as they are finalized. We ask for patience, understanding and respect of privacy.

Open a kid’s Capri Sun, he drinks for a day.

Teach a kid to shoot…

Merging these two shootings, how long before all babies are gifted guns at birth?



My god is it just me or are the religious nuts getting nuttier. Entire family annihilated? Thank you all loving god!


They’ve always been this nutty, we just didn’t have social media so their insanity could be broadcast globally and instantly.

Weird spooky cult shit. I feel like it used to be more why god why?!? and now it’s just straight thank you jeebus for murdering the room full of kids.

It’s not just that she didn’t have a gun, it’s that the kids also had their guns taken away. If just the mom had a gun, husband would just need to kill her first, but if every kid was armed, he wouldn’t have been stopped at some point.

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It’s like MAD on the household level.

From the people who also brought you “if I have to balance my checkbook, why doesn’t the government?”

Family on firearms: It wasn’t fair, he cheated.

It couldnt possibly be that their church teaches about dire consequences for divorce. It was all because she didnt have a gun.

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Can teachers use grenades since students way out number them?

“Don’t make it political”

Makes it political


Can someone ELI5 what this is supposed to mean?

Were they all trained in Kung Fu?

Yea I couldn’t figure that either

The family is saying the father took the guns out of the house because the rest of the family was trained in firearms

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Yea I don’t think that’s going to do much good against 6 year olds



The charitable interpretation of Youngkin’s argument is that they’re gonna go hard after whoever owned the gun that was used. At least in theory that might inspire gun owners to keep their guns out of the hands of 6-year-olds.

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