‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


https://twitter.com/Anna_Giaritelli/status/1157746862268530689 obv don’t take this for granted, more “info” in replies

I’m not seeing it but the shooter is in custody and not dead so literally 100% chance he’s white.


The manifesto circulating on Twitter may or may not be a hoax, so take it for what it’s worth for now… It calls this a response to the invasion of Texas by Hispanics.

We do know he’s a 21 yo white male, and his last known address is Dallas. So there’s a pretty high likelihood he drove 10+ hours to get to the largest border town in Texas.

18 confirmed dead.

I was literally going to say it’s probably to stop them damn illegals from voting before I saw this. The people who do this and motives are so damn pathetic and predictable.


Hopefully he shot a bunch of non-Hispanics

like the mongoloid here in KC that targeted a Jewish community center and retirement home, only to kill 3 non-Jews.

I’m old enough to remember when 18 was a shocking body count.

Deaths at Columbine: 13.

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What % of the country thinks this shooting was a deep state conspiracy? 30%? More?

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Looks like this guy drove hours to specifically target a city trump targeted. There are no words. America is broken at the core.

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I had just followed the story to twitter somehow, and there’s already some fabrication that the shooter was a democrat, though conveniently his ethnicity remained supposedly unknown at this early hour. The cat that posted it? You guessed it, some bozo called ‘Deep State Exposed.’ I mean, it’s game over, folks, just like it is with climate change. People knowingly lapping up crystal clear misinfo

ahh something brilliant this way comes. Maybe it ain’t game over


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How many of them vote Republican though?

White guy shoots 50 people, arrested without incident. Meanwhile, black people get executed by cops for selling cigarettes.


the blood donors? lol


just checked in over at chiefsplanet and they’re talking about crime ‘actually having decreased’ or some such shit.

I told em to stand and salute their shithole country and included this tweet


I don’t think the police should kill anyone but yeah it’s sickening. So many examples to use too. Black guy tells the officer he does have a weapon on him and gets murdered. Black guy falls asleep in his car with a gun on him and gets murdered. Black guy has a cellphone in his hand and gets murdered cuz it looks like a gun.

White guy murders a bunch of people and the police negotiate with him. Fuck the police.

I wonder if the cops are gonna take this poor tortured soul to Mickey D’s on the way to the police station like they did with Dylan Roof.

looks like he used an AK, too

