‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

My asshole of a rep just did a trip to the border to promo Trump’s policies.


Turned on Fox News to see how they’re covering this. They have a “security analyst” on there warning against speculating about a motive, then she went on for minutes about how this could be terrorism and that’s why we have the military doing so much anti-terrorism work these days. She tried to tie it to the Boston bombing. Fuck Fox News, fuck the people who get all their information from that horseshit network. The country right now is currently a disaster of idiocy, ignorance and hate. I don’t really have any optimism anymore.

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The problem is that people like Rupert Murdoch, his shitbag kids, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and the rest of those soulless pieces of shit get to just walk around polite society.

Fuck that. They want to rile up the rubes, shame them into living among them.

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Think it was Murdoch who said, people don’t want to be informed, they just want to feel like they are.

The adults in the room needed to do something about him before things were allowed to get this far. It’s soul crushing to think it will take generations to undo what he’s done, if we can do it at all

“Succession” is by far the best depiction I’ve seen. These people are pure sociopaths.

It sure doesn’t help when the NYT constantly runs validating palace drama garbage.

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This guy had it figured out

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20 people went shopping at Walmart and got killed. This world sucks.

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Time for back-to-school shopping.


what in the fuck


She’s a hack. Pretty sure she’s the one who posted an article about prayer rugs in the caravan.

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Info stolen from Reddit:

Lol at gleaning anything from any hack piece of shit from the Wash Examiner. Its a giant grift “newspaper”

He has come to believe that being a news consumer doesn’t enhance society

Odds the guy ends up being a QAnon follower?

Trump or the shooter?

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We already know Trump is…lol.

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