‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

lol no one is saying this we’re just somehow having to tiptoe around the issue of kids having their entire lives disrupted permanently thru no fault of their own + lots of their extended elderly family dying not even POSSIBLY having an effect on kids’ mental health as a whole, no not possibly at all no chance. adults are barely handling the dystopia but please let’s expect our kids are doing better despite having no rights whatsoever and also no resources to speak of. fucking lol.

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Well i think some(not here) are kind of saying that. I agree with you fwiw other than that.

The entire right wing complex is still blaming “lockdowns” and mask mandates for it. Which that stuff was not that fun or easy but the rest of it was magnitudes of order worse and much larger in time and scope.

Should probably do a poll but does ANYONE here not know anyone irl who died a miserable hospital covid death? I know several. Now do that at 9 years old. And ya add in active shooter drills/lockdowns/social media/impending climate disaster. It’s awful.

I didn’t have anyone die, 2-3 had rough/long hospital stays and coulda easily died though

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Those dashed lines make me want to throw up.

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More evidence that February is the longest month. I wonder how geography/latitude comes into play as a factor.

I don’t know any who died at all, miserable hospital or otherwise. And I know a ton of very old people, very fat people, and very old fat people.

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I don’t know even anyone who went to a hospital.

Same. I know people who did lose people, but my direct circle and family no one went to the hospital for covid.

I don’t know anyone who had a serious covid case much less died from it

I know people who lost parents (elderly) to COVID. One of my wife’s best friends from college died (40s), shortly after he tested positive, but he felt fine and just died in his sleep, so I don’t know if it was just a horrible coincidence.

Wrong tnhread.


Not if that guy actually got shot in his sleep.

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I’d be interested to hear more about your experience. I know of a 91 year old who went to the hospital with covid. I know of a 30s woman who had a bad case of it in late 2020 and probably about 1/3 of the staff I work with having the omicron> variants, with the info being shared as either none or light symptoms.

The three that I knew personally were:

-My friend’s dad died in December 2020. He was in his late 50s and healthy besides being a bit overweight although not obese.
-My parent’s pastor died in August 2021. He was in his mid 50s and healthy and in good physical shape. Of course he and his family were anti-vaxxers.
-One of my friend’s mom died in September 2021. She was in her early 70s. Anti-vaxxer.

Maybe I just got exceptionally unlucky(not that I really cared about the last two tbh). I knew several others who ended up in the hospital for various lengths of time.

I have to admit I am a little surprised so many here didn’t personally know anyone who died. Like 1 in 225 people died (more with the undercounting). I would figure most people in their 35-50s know 500-1000 people between family/friends/work/etc. over that period of time. My results might be a bit biased because most of the people i grew up with and my family are total shitheads who didn’t take Covid seriously at all.

I don’t know anyone who took Covid seriously who had serious consequences from it.

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With a tremendous discrepancy among demographics. Wealth being right up there with age and obesity.

This website is heavily skewed away from the people who had no choice but to go to work every day.

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I think it’s these two things that explain my comment.

I don’t think I know a single person who didn’t get the vaccine. Sample size isn’t 500-1000, but it’s well over 100.

Maybe 3 people told me they had mild COVID, none whose name I can remember.

My wife’s aunts husband died from covid. The aunt was in the hospital for a while. My daughters classmate grandmother died. Our friend’s friend (41 YO) died as well.

I’m sure there’s others, but that’s in my immediate circle.

What? If you asked me how many people I know, I’d say like … 50?

I’m talking about people you know in a much looser sense than what you guys are thinking. How many FB friends do you guys have? I don’t even use it that much and never add anyone and have like 400. Add in all the people I know from work/family/etc that either don’t use it or I am not FB friends with. My spouse has like 1200 FB friends or something ridiculous.

If we are talking about people I talk to once a year at least it’s about the same for me I would guess, maybe 50-100.