‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

We already know that isolation exacerbates symptoms of behavioral disorders and that it can lead to increased levels of anxiety and depression on top of just loneliness in pretty much every human being alive. So unless you have an issue with the 70% figures or something specific, simply stating that covid isn’t to blame would be pretty fucking dumb - not that you said that, of course.

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My issue is that I’m not aware of any data whatsoever to back this claim. Since it’s likely made up, Covid isn’t to blame

who is shutting down or shaming? I’m just saying I don’t find the attempted suicide of a 12 year old particularly funny or fodder for joke material.

like most people skim right past my posts, my opinion means nothing, and if it does somehow mean something in this particular case then I’d maybe ask myself why, but that’s it

it’s the kind of thing I’d expect to see in an incel-heavy wow discord, not this site, if I was making any point I guess that’d be it.

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Noted and legit. I was too harsh.

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I would definitely be someone who uses humor as a defense mechanism. I especially use dark humor to cope with the world we live in. I don’t think people here really understand how sometimes when I have been accused of advocating violence, it’s really me joking, making a snarky comment.

There was one time in my life where I had to evacuate a building due a shooting. I think it was three people shot, two dead, plus the gunman, so it doesn’t fit most definitions of a mass shooting. If I were to talk about the experience, I would probably include a lot of humor because I wouldn’t know how to talk about it any other way.


school shooting in Udmurtiya, Russia. death toll currently at 17. police was busy arresting protesters tho

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My personal experience was that my daughter was having mental health issues caused by isolation of home schooling during covid.

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Suicide attempts by young people up 31% in 2020 vs 2019. Seems like pretty solid evidence, imho.

I’ve been a manager where I have anywhere from 10-20 high school kids working for me and the number of kids dealing with mental health (at least openly) has skyrocketed in the last year. Whether that’s COVID related or not I won’t begin to pretend to know but it’s gotten real bad lately

I also can’t imagine the stress of the idea that someone could shoot up your school at any time. I bet most decent size schools have had at least 1 lockdown in the last 4 years.

Most of the time it’s nothing.

(Not discounting Covid at all, just lots of fucked up stuff of late)

I can’t imagine dealing with the normal amount of incredible stress that comes along with being a teen and then having Trumpery/climate change/pandemic stress on top of all of that. Gen-Z kids are one of the most resilient generations ever.


My son is really struggling with what is an absentee office and in particular his supervisor.

Weird time to be a young adult or high schooler.

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Just normal USA shit


It wasn’t the 3 week “lockdown” that caused the covid trauma for kids. Not saying you guys are saying that but I assume that is right wing trope. It was finding out 70% of people didn’t care at all about killing people they didn’t know to go to Disney or eat at Chili’s. It was the insane infighting from parents at most schools.

My mental health took a hit from that at least. It was a real masks off situation where you really understood that we live in a slightly less bad version of Mad Max where it is every man for himself.

Like South Park nailed it with Cartman living his best life not having to actually go to school and in the vast majority of places people went back to school the next fall and kids played sports that summer and did normal social activities. At least my social media feeds were full of it.

Could be that 50% of kids just finding out how batshit crazy their parents are.

You go to school and are learning all about science and then have to go home to your science denying parents. That’s gotta fuck a kid up.


Suicide rates have been climbing for a while now. 400px-Total_suicides_in_the_United_States_1981_2016

Trends in Suicide by Level of Urbanization — United States, 1999–2015

I agree 100%. It fucked me up 30 years ago and it seems 10x worse now.

I imagine deplorable parents are more outwardly angry about political issues and this leads to changing their kids’ lifestyles for whatever reason (own teh libs etc) moreso now than ever. As well as the kids just arguing with their parents on these issues way more. That has to have a huge effect on kids.

I’ll have to dig into what I’m remembering. Follow a few well known psych people who commented on this a lot.

Also it’s not 70% and I don’t think ER numbers are a good measure. There were less outpatient services, especially in person which matters a ton for kids (at least, per my wife who did child psych)

Ok this is one of the people I’m thinking about:


Lots more in that thread, but not 100% what we’re talking about here