‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

dude, it’s totally taught. I know it is because I was taught it. look, here’s a curriculum plan:

“They should also learn that fulfilling and defending the ideals of the Revolution are the shared responsibility of all our citizens, and that in this way the American Revolution continues to define and shape our lives.”

I guess I disagree with that. if things were going their way i don’t believe they’d be seditious.

if i was playing this like a poker hand or a video game

and we’re talking unexploitable lines here

IF rule of govt under democrats is effectively and completely the same as rule of govt under republicans, whether by design, malfeasance, or incompetence - then the GTO play for most people is to totally cave to a revolt and just let the status quo be.

I don’t know how or why that would happen, but nothing shocks me anymore, maybe in a year we’re having to yell at people being like “well, ya know, trump does have a point, he WAS robbed of the election last time…”

none of this feels like it is heading anywhere good

even the fact that the collective reaction isn’t total horror at even the idea of this guy being ALLOWED to run again, is a big huge worrying thing

If things were going their way, they wouldn’t have to be seditious to get what they want.

They believe in the just-world hypothesis. And they see themselves as just people. But sometimes they don’t get what they think the deserve. To reconcile this cognitive dissonance, they have to either accept that they are getting their rightful punishment in life or that someone is impeding justice. It’s easier for them to believe in things like stolen elections and other unjust things that need to be rectified. And they see themselves as rectifiers.

They value democracy, but they don’t believe that democracy can lead to unpreferred outcomes in a just world. They value democracy, but they don’t understand democracy. It’s like how they can label things as socialism or critical race theory without knowing what either of those things are.

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What the fuck?

That is fucked up

Kinda reminds me of the slender man stuff

She must feel like a massive failure right now.

Too soon? Nah

The 12 year old planned to drive 230 miles to pick up her friend and then drive to Georgia. When I was 12 it was a wild time if I got to ride my bike alone 2 miles to the swim club. And that didn’t include the murder beforehand.

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This line in that article struck me as odd

Like 12 year old girls making a murder pact can just happen anywhere. Gotta always expect that.

I think it’s more saying that this stuff happens on a daily basis in those big, scary, Librul cities, but it can even happen here occasionally.

I mean really. Whiffed on killing her dad and herself. Think she’d get at least one.

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I read that mental health problems are up 70% or something insane in minors since covid, dunno if it’s that funny

Think that’s one of the anti Covid bs talking points.

that doesn’t mean it also can’t be true. my understanding is the trend was already going up before covid, but I can’t imagine the isolation and disruptions to daily life that for sure affected adults didn’t affect children as well, plus the mental healthcare system being as strained as it is.

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Yeah I mean I’m saying I don’t think it’s true.

Also, some people will deal with things by laughing at the absurdity of them. Don’t think you should be regulating that so much.

who is regulating anything? sorry if my first instinct to a 12 year old’s attempted suicide isn’t laughter. I struggle to find any way of viewing the world where that warrants a joke or laughter, but if that floats your boat, that does not matter to me at all.

you don’t have to believe it for it to be true either - the stats are already pretty horrible even if they aren’t actually on the rise, and almost nothing is being done about it.


The whole thing is horribly sad. Things that come to mind

Some kind of slender man thing.

One of the girls is just a psychopath and influenced the other.

Perhaps there was some serious abuse in those families.

Humor as a response to tragedy isn’t everyone’s taste. But I’m not sure the answer is shutting it down or shaming. I am admittedly in the coping with humor camp. To each their own.