‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Sounds like he tried to fight an armed attacker and may have bought time for people to flee, I don’t get this take at all.

We watch some show where the convicts family tries to convince a former cop and defense attorney that their loved one was wrongly convicted.

Just heard the waistband thing last episode. Of course no weapon was found.

The thing is

1 helps to be a cop
2 helps to carry that unmarked weapon to plant on the body


A stabbing rampage in a southeastern Saskatchewan First Nation and nearby village left 10 people dead and 15 others injured, provincial RCMP said on Sunday as they continued to search for the two suspects in the case.

“We believe some of the victims have been targeted by the suspects and others have been attacked randomly,” Rhonda Blackmore, the assistant commissioner in charge of Saskatchewan RCMP, told reporters in Regina.

Lots of “ban assault knives!” in the local FB comments on this

Obvious answer to that is “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a knife is a good guy with a knife.”

Don’t bring a fist to a knife fight.

Totally normal first-world country.



Guy went on a shooting spree in Memphis and broadcast it live on Facebook. 4 dead. Not even a blip.

Tell that guy he has to hit at least double digits if he wants people to remember his name.

Or just sees how similar in color the person is to an 8-ball.


Surprised she was able to hold the gun up. But I realized she used the kick of the gun to keep the gun up and herself standing. Kinda clever.

I’ve been diving into some decent ken burns docs on PBS that describe the founding fathers in more detail than I had learned about before, and something struck me as odd - why are we so surprised there is so much violence in the united states? why are we surprised at the insurrection thing happening?

our founding fathers were fucking nutjobs, and the colonists too - like, I know the east india trading company and the british empire were completely horrible and deserved to get revolted on, almost certainly, but the only reason britain sent a military response in the first place is because the colonies collectively lost their shit over a fucking tax, like got massively violent. What else was britain gonna do? I know it’s a bit more complicated than that, but bear with me.

We have embedded in our culture and our very DNA as a country, as a constitution, that when a government is deemed tyrannical, you not only have the right to overthrow it, but the moral IMPERATIVE.

like what the fuck, that’s so psychotic - who are you, john fucking rambo? my god. so yea, that’s why I think there’s going to be a civil war, because tons and tons and tons of people believe you have a moral imperative to overthrow the government if you don’t like it. Not only that, it’s perfectly acceptable and encouraged to do so through violence. The earliest provocateurs of the revolutionary war were extremely violent, and we worship them like heroes.

Fucking lol. This country. It isn’t fixable.


Yeah, like is it a surprise that the next 80 years were an orgy of genocide against indigenous nations, an economy based on a slavery-enabled export boom, and relentless aggression against basically any neighbor we could conceivably beat?

The shocking thing is that Reconstruction, the New Deal, Great Society, etc could ever even happen–that’s the part I don’t get. So out of pace with our country’s essence.

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It’s not fixable or it’s not fixable without violence?

I mean other than literally being taught this throughout my primary education, all of the thinkers that inspired the revolution thought like this. Maga chuds definitely think this way. It’s a lot where all the 2a nuttery comes from. I’m not sure how you can see that any other way.

The only reason I even started thinking about it is because I always have this process due to how I was raised in such a fucked environment of going deep back into my beliefs and seeing if anything looks odd, I realized the other day some of this crap I always heard from family and my church going waaaaay back is echoing in a lot of the propaganda I see out there, I dunno, shit’s stirring.

I am a pacifist. i do not believe violence solves anything. i do not wish to debate that belief

I’ll just say…the lawbros who get made fun of on this forum are basically law pacifists.

Waco and Timothy McVeigh were in the 90s, certainly true this sentiment was around during our childhood. Recently saw the point made somewhere that the post-9/11 insanity caused a temporary break from the regularly scheduled anti-federal government insanity. Trump getting them back to hating the FBI and DOJ is nature healing itself.