‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I’m sorry she’s having to go through seeing that. I have read about it and still can’t imagine.

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I’m not sure if this story made the national news, but cops should be the #1 supporters of an assault weapons ban.

lots of them do i think, but not as many as probably should. it’s very much against a police officer’s best interest for people to be walking around with those things, let alone open fucking carry.

Police unions used to be pro-gun control back in the day, not sure where they stand these days.

Guy shot two cops with an AR serving an eviction notice.

I call BS. There’s no way an Assault Rifle can serve an eviction notice.

Edit: Actually, maybe it can.

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We need some rappers to make some songs about how assault rifles are great for killing cops. That might change the feelings of some white people.

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this already is a thing lol

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Yeah the only way gun control passes is if minority gun owner surpass white people

he’s going to expound on it in his manifesto, and credit Ice T in the bibliography or something


Won’t even make the national news


Duh. Not 4. Doesn’t even qualify as a mass shooting

Fuck this shit

The shooting prompted shoppers to reach for their own weapons. Bend Police reported they did not fire any shots.


Lol, putting in a good word for some old dude who got blasted who didn’t want to shouldn’t ruin this shooting for you.


Not even sure what crime was being “whitewashed”.

This is a bad take.

Presumably that was not the first AP story on the incident. I take this story to be an attempt at a follow-up “human interest” feel-good story following another tremendously sad shooting incident that was presumably covered in a prior main story on the incident.

My sisters friend was in the store. Essentially came face to face with the shooter at the other end of an aisle from the sounds of it. Add another to the ever growing list of survivors who will be fucked up for a long time thanks to the rights obsession with weapons of war.


I don’t expect things to change much because these people believe that the murdered children are being reunited with Jesus.