‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

The Atlanta guy was an auditor. Checks out

that’s why I think it’d have to be literally thousands of kids a day, something would have to be insane enough to break through the noise and misinformation

Well if that didn’t work. Maybe just maybe a shooter shooting up a Republican scrimmage baseball game would move the GOP needle…


Bojack Horseman had the best take on this, with gun control arising only after women started arming themselves to protect themselves from men.


An increase in gun violence would more likely result in increased requirements for armed security in every venue than actual gun control. That battle is over for our lifetimes.

Right. All those crying parents who say “You never think it’ll happen here,” would have to be saying “We just hoped it wouldn’t happen to our little girl/boy’s class.”

Most people still view this as not really their problem.

But we’reb on our way to most people at least knowing someone who experienced a mass shooting, give it 30-50 years and we’ll probably be there.

Public opinion is already strongly in favor of more gun control, convincing people isn’t the problem.

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I get what you’re saying, but we don’t need 51/49 or even 60/40 support. We probably need something like 80/20, and we need it to go from answering that way on a poll to voting that way in primaries and generals as a priority.

I don’t see how we’re going to undo the influence of the NRA other than more people making it more of a priority in their voting decision. I suppose the Democrats taking a more sizable trifecta and passing some form of democracy reform that gets rid of gerrymandering and gives DC and PR statehood might lay the groundwork.

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It’s this. Public opinion polls on stuff like this means exactly dick if people just go out and vote for the NRA-endorsed shithead for senate because of taxes or immigrants or whatever other kind of right wing issue.

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Public opinion could be 99/1 and it still wouldn’t matter. DUCY?

Because Republicans aren’t afraid for their lives if they don’t vote for gun control?

It’s the “broccoli paradox.” On the one hand, my kids fucking hate eating their vegetables. On the other hand, they fucking love ice cream. If I tell them they can’t have ice cream unless they eat their vegetables, then they’re going to eat their vegetables.

Most people don’t like the fear of them or someone they love being gunned down. On the other hand, they really fucking love racism. If they’re told they can’t have the racism without also living with the fear of being gunned down, well, they’re going with that.

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We can have gun control (and Medicare for All and climate change legislation) if we let wypipo have their racist ice cream?

Eh, just because the converse is true doesn’t mean that’s true.

We can have gun control if we eat our racist broccoli?

People are willing to eat the “no gun control” broccoli so that they can have the racist ice cream.

The current political coalitions in the US were formed by Democrats no longer agreeing to eat their racist broccoli.

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Yes, if the Democratic Party became racist and both parties were racist, the Democratic Party would prevail on gun control and healthcare within a decade and maybe on climate change legislation.

No, I’m not willing to trade that for de facto or full on segregation.


the nature of compromise. we could have some of this stuff if thirty years ago the party pivoted to ban abortions. but as a male i’m not morally capable of making that call

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Probably should post this on a throwaway. But my partner is seeing first hand what an AR15 does to a body. She’s been doing this a long time, and she says it’s by far the worst she’s ever seen.