‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

interesting thought experiment is like how bad the occurrence of mass shootings would have to be in america for anything meaningful to happen, or are we just gonna frog boil into 3pm curfews and anything after that is just generally understood as “shootin’ time”


It’s Texas, their asses are covered.

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They should learn how to snap at a c-suite.

It’s not the frequency of the shootings, it’s who gets targeted that might change things.


sure, but there has to be a number. how many 8 year olds a day would it take? I think it’d be in the order of thousands, and anything below that would be like “welp that’s what happens when you let kids get edumacated anyway”

When 30-40% have a mass shooting victim in their family?

I hope you’re right, but think you’re way wrong.

I think that number could increase by a factor of 15 and nothing substantial would happen. Any hope I had for gun control went away after Sandy Hook.

You should ask how many Republicans on Congress need to die by gun each year for things to change? Or how many children of Republicans in Congress…

It’s 4/100k! That’s four times Australia’s OVERALL murder rate.

I’m assuming people are too scared of your wildlife to kill others.

I can imagine someone being pissed off at someone and saying “Crikey, it’s not worth the effort of shooting that ■■■■ . I’m sure some spider or shark will do the work for me by the end of the week. Now it’s time for a Foster’s.”

Foster’s?! Try the UK then. For some perverse reason nobody drinks Fosters here but they seem to in the UK. It’s like how our major soap opera, Neighbours, was far more popular in the UK than Aus.

That was a joke. I know it’s not that popular there.

There was a massive campaign in the 90s in the US to get people to drink it here.

i had an alcohol issue that was like 99.9% a compulsion towards cheap crappy beer and i thought fosters was vile, must be a taste thing, it tastes so bad to me i thought this irish girl i was dating and her friends were trolling me that they liked it.

We just lived through Covid where 1 in 300 or so of everyone who lives in the US died and the vast majority of people didn’t care at all. Ramping up to 12/200000 kids dead from guns won’t register.


I often think about what it would take for actual gun control and man is that one of the most depressing topics out there.

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Tbf, it was a pretty well done ad campaign

Nothing happened after a classroom full of first graders was murdered. I have very strong doubts that a 3x increase in gun deaths from what we have now would move the needle one bit.

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It really is hard to imagine what registers when considering we live in a world where a huge % of people believe everything is an intricately engineered false flag/deep fake operation and then another huge % of people only care about money (ie. NRA contributions).

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And now a classroom full of 4th graders. Maybe once we get to the Elementary school bingo of one classfull of children per grade we might get some change.

Most of the school shootings seem to be at public schools. Maybe if someone shot up a private school full of rich white kids?

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