‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Seems like you are the one who was upset that trolly joked about downgrading it from a “mass shooting” to a “regular shooting.”

I guess to further my point, the issue in the US isn’t that we have too many mass shootings - it’s that we literally have people getting shot all the time, including in mass shootings!

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Yes, this is because Israel has better gun control laws than the US:

Someone went on a rampage in my condo building a couple hours ago. 3 people shot including the building manager and engineer. A resident did it. So fucked.


In Atlanta?

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Jesus dude. You ok? I’m so sorry this epidemic hit close to home for you.


Yeah, in Atlanta. I’m out of town but have lots of friends in the building. It’s starting to hit the news now. Sickening.

Really sorry you’re going through this. Hope you are able to contact your friends soon.

My friends are alright, but the building manager is dead from the shooting. I didn’t know the guy well or anything but definitely talked to him several times.

It was a delusional resident with a beef with the building/HOA. My friend was President and she hates him—so relieved he was at work instead of the building. The shooter went and shot up her old office a few blocks away afterwards then somehow fled.

Just awful. Feeling sick and helpless because there’s nothing anyone could have done differently. This is just life in the USA and especially a state like Georgia now.


sorry man. that sucks. i’d want to move asap.

shit like that freaks me out. next door neighbor is a fucking weirdo w some delusions. first year i lived there he thought I was a private investigator being paid to investigate him. finally got him to believe I’m not, then for a bit he thought I was FBI, nowadays he thinks I’m colluding with the neighborhood watch lady or something to do what I dont even know.

lately I found out he is on an active probation over a firearms violation. fuckin wonderful.

Glad you’re ok and that your friend who might have been targeted wasn’t there. Hopefully they catch the shooter ASAP and this is over.

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that’s awful man. i was on a bus, as it pulled away from a stop during a shooting (one dead one injured, thankfully no bystanders). it really messes with your head. hope you have a support system you can use at this moment.

Jesus, that’s terrible @TheNewT50 - I’m sorry to hear that. I know the building but don’t think I’ve ever been in it. Think I have a friend who used to live there because I remember him inviting some of us to DaVinci’s once.

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Dude. It may way past time to abolish landlords, but not like that.

Arrest made (at the airport). This article indicates 2 dead of 3 shot.

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Made CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/22/us/atlanta-midtown-shooting/index.html

This is what gets me. We’re just supposed to live with this reality where anybody can shoot up any place at any time, all cause the 2A gun nuts need their toys. I had a similar feeling the other day, albeit much much less real than what you are feeling right now obviously. I walked in to a Wawa behind a guy who was strung out and seemed very paranoid. He looked around then went straight to the restroom. As I’m ordering my food I’m thinking of scenarios of him coming out of the restroom with a gun and what my options would be. It felt so hopeless just thinking about a what if, can’t imagine the emotions and anger when it actually happens within your circle. Ugh

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Yikes. Glad you are ok. So sorry about those that got hurt.

Combine this with a corporatist society in late stage capitalism and it’s literally a recipe for mass shootings. Corporations are squeezing their customers and employees in a vice, and the working class is just under constant pressure. So inevitably some people are going to snap, and when you’ve got more guns than people, some are going to snap while packing.

I expect this to become increasingly common in the coming years.



shot and killed after both men, allegedly armed, charged at law enforcement officers

Like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, except stupid.

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