‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America



Don’t worry guys, the conservative big brains have thought this all through. The janitors armed with AR-15s will protect the teachers armed with AR-15s that are protecting the kids that are secured in the bullet proof vault. That way everyone will be safe from the AR-15s.



Ivey acknowledged that the presence of long guns inside schools would be questioned — and said one critic wondered if kids will feel like they’re inside an Israeli airport.

“My response to them was simple,” he said. “When’s the last time you heard about someone shooting up an Israeli airport? You haven’t. And the reason for that is that they’re better prepared.”

Israel doesn’t have the strictest gun control laws in the world, but they’re a lot tighter than here.


in soviet russia, airport shoots you

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This fucking country. Mass shooting at a Six Flags in Illinois.



Fuck. Been awhile but have. Even there at least a half a dozen times.

This country. Inanity and Insanity.

Wasn’t a mass shooter. 3 wounded in the parking lot.


Sorry guys, it was just a regular shooting at an amusement park, it seems.


A factual correction was made but good to know you’ve got jokes!


New Hampshire seems to be doing something right based on that map

Had to do a triple take to make sure that wasn’t the pitchbot.

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We are doing the having a very small number of people thing well is my guess. We have shit for gun controls and are full of 2nd amendment freaks.


What the fuck


What. Have a population of 72?

Apparently, that’s how you control gun violence.

In other countries basically zero people get shot in an amusement park parking lot. Here three people get shot and you presumably think we should just ignore it since more people get shot all the time?

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Please show where I said any of that.

Making factual corrections, even nitty ones, is a huge part of the discourse here. If your argument is strong enough to jump in with righteous anger, then why should said small factual correction be such a problem?