‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


That’s nuts.

I can’t imagine most artists are going to want to perform at a venue with guns.

Some already have it in their contracts. I imagine this will become a lot more prevalent.

In general, most major companies will not host a festival in a location that permits gun owners to carry their weapons into an event, with an exception sometimes made for law enforcement. Some artist riders actually have specific language saying that artist will not perform in cities or states where gun laws grant attendees the right to bring weapons inside of a concert venue.


We were lazy all morning and had the sign up. Housekeeping was in the hallway cleaning rooms as usual. Family leaves for the parks around 11:00 am? I keep the sign up as I have a “critical” software deal due the next day, or some booooshiiiit.

They knocked first around noon. I didn’t answer. About an hour later, I received a phone call from housekeeping stating that they needed to enter the room. I was like ok cool, come on in. Housekeeping comes in, scans the room for a literal second or two, asks me if I need any towels or anything and was on her way.

DVC Property. I now realize the hotels may be different and they seem less strict since the early days after Vegas. Yeah, I’ve been to WDW a lot over the last years.

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Thanks. So, we’ve got Disney and Vegas hotels that seem to actually do it. Anyone else have one?

Random thought: Disney and Vegas probably keep doing this in perpetuity as it allows them to verify that rooms aren’t being destroyed by multi-day sign users. I did once. But, I swear it was a queso issue.

Yeah, it seems like the youth of America have become desensitized to gun violence. The police certainly don’t seem fazed. The number of people smiling in that video seemed to exceed the number of people scared.

And Chicago for a festival type event that started this whole discussion.

And now we have a major cancellation in Georgia.

On the plus side, the NRA has fewer convention location options.

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They’ll get exempted from the law because they’re technically a church or some nonsense like that

America exporting its approach to guns to other countries

Translation: Czechs are worried about their safety. Interest in weapons has increased significantly since the beginning of the war

More Czechs own firearms now than they have in the past 20 years.

Still pales in comparison to America but guns are very slowly becoming a bigger thing here.

Active shooter at Mall of America?

Nothing more American than active shooters.


Gonna be awesome when good guy with a gun gets mistaken for a shooter. Or even worse, good guy tries to go after the shooter with the handy AR-15 and accidentally lights up a bunch of kids.

Or the mass shooter doesn’t even have to bring a gun, just some bolt cutters.

It’s probably in a glass case. “In Case of School Shooter, Break Glass”


Or the more likely result: “in case of broken glass, school shooter.”


Or just light some fire crackers and watch the bullets fly.

This is the scenario I’m worried about.

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