‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Yeah, I was just filing that under “not checked”.

Right, but that explains how the rooms are not being checked even if the boss thinks they are.

Those are some gullible bosses, I guess.

Every time a room is entered, there is a record of it. If the bosses wanted all the rooms checked and the staff was pretending to do it, would be found out pretty quickly. Never seen a good sized company that didn’t have useless middle management always doing audits.

No mention in thread that House passed an assault weapon ban?

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Oh good, no one will be able to buy an assault weapon soon!


Yup especially after being yelled at a few times by guests or walking in on God knows what. Plus from their perspective, what if they do go in and see an arsenal? Non zero chance the lunatic is in there and they’re victim number one.

I’m sure that there is a training course for the cleaning crew on how to properly identify armaments and narcotics before being told to enter DND zones.

Bullshit. The record is someone saying yeah I checked it!

Does this mean people can no longer go to gun shows in my state to buy assault rifles with no background check? Awesome!

haven’t checked, but I assume they banned not buying assault rifles


I can’t wait for the senate to pass this landmark bill!


I’m almost certain I was told them having to check rooms was making sure someone wasn’t being kidnapped or something. It made zero sense to me and I was super annoyed because I couldn’t sleep after. It’s ruined my hotel experience because I feel like I can’t just sleep in because I think they won’t honor the do not disturb if I sleep in unlit 4 pm.

They can’t get past the deadbolt thing right? At least not without making a ton of noise anyway?

If they suspect a nut is in there with machine guns they’re definitely having the 40yo Mayan woman from Guatemala bust in past the deadbolt. What else could they do anyway? The cops wouldn’t go in.


I’m still highly skeptical of the frequency of this (outside of Vegas, where I understand they would be more sensitive).

If anyone actually experiences one of these checks first hand, please post TR.

Yes, Disney World. Housekeeping checks daily, typically late morning.

So if you had the DND up and you were in the room, what exactly did they do? Could you just crack open the door and send them on their way? Did they insist on coming in and inspecting? Something else?

GOP gun absolutism may have permanently ended music festivals in Georgia.

This ought to piss a decent number of young people off. Perhaps the Dems can convince a few to vote for them.

the deplorables who are pulling the levers are going to see this and think “hell yeah, unexpected bonus” and they are absolutely not going to be discouraged by this.

same for all the libs who are like “lol texas, now all the rich liberals who were moving to austin are gonna stop moving there” as if that’s somehow a punishment for deplorable texans