‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

If not cleaning staff, do they inform the guest that they are going to do it? Do they make any attempts to do it when the guest is not present?

I’ve had at least 10 multiday stays at hotels since the Vegas shooting. Never got maid service. Other than the one scenario I described, I’ve never experienced a room check (and even then they didn’t actually check). If these guys do it every single day to every single room with DND always on, they’re fucking ninjas.

Also, what exactly are they looking for? Just guns? If you got some lines of blow on the coffee table do they just leave it there and go about their day?

I don’t know all the details. I can ask him next time I chat.

When I sent him the letter this is what he said.

That letter is nuts but I get it . We have to enter every room once a day now because of Vegas shooter


Great! I’d be very interested in what he says.

It is not listed in the policies of the two Hyatt’s I recently had multi-day stays at: San Fran Fisherman’s Wharf and Seattle Olive 8. But it is listed in the policies for a Hyatt in… India.

IDK I think it would be listed in the hotel policies?

You think he is lying to me? 🤷

More likely a misunderstanding of some sort imo. Do you think they are entering rooms every day but somehow nobody ever sees them? And they never happen to knock when the DND sign is out but you are in the room? And this policy is not mentioned on the hotel policies page?

I am interested in the update after you speak to him.

Sounds like some of you aren’t attaching a hair across the door and frame when you leave the room


It seems like the most likely explaination is that Hyatt set a corporate policy to enter all rooms at least once per day, but that individual hotels and employees are not necessarily doing it in every case.

From the website of one hotel, that does appear to be the corporate policy.


“It is Hyatt’s practice to enter every occupied guest room at a minimum of once within a 24-hour period, even if a guest has requested privacy.”

[Otoh, I stayed for five days at a Hyatt recently and despite having that same policy listed on their website, I never had anyone perform a check while I was in the room. And, thanks to stuff going nuts at work, I ended up being in the room working every day from basically 8 am to 6 pm dailyband there was one day when I never left, so they clearly didn’t come in that day]

Yeah, but I actually think they’re not even doing it is most cases. Or many cases.

Strange that the Hyatt posted policies are so different from location to location even within just the US. I could not find that statement on the web sites of the two locations I recently stayed at.

Probably true. My guess is that corporate came up with the policy so that it could seem like it was “doing something” after the Las Vegas shooting, but individual franchisees didn’t do it. Some might have even started but then backed off if too many guests complained about someone coming in while the DND sign was on.

Anyway, I was more just pointing out that Clovis’ relative might just work at a property that follows the policy so they aren’t lying even if other properties are not following it.

Florida, USA, 2022. Mass shooting caught on livestream, guy sticks around for the “content”, people are cracking jokes and carrying on with their evening 30 seconds after the last shot is fired.

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Literally two seconds before the first shots, guy being interviewed says: “Live short, die faster!”

11 shots rattle off, someone’s first reaction is: “Weeee!!!”


This is just entertainment to everyone there. Witnessing a shooting is the new going out to a ball game.

Kid is looking at a corpse on the ground and his only thought is, “Haha brooo look at the direction his leg is going!”


He said the DND is just a “privacy requested” and the cleaning staff will still poke their head in at least. Not every room will always get checked but he said the majority are checked once every 24 hours. It’s more likely followed at a cooperate hotel than a franchise one.

I must just be running way above expectation. Not a single time have I been in the room when someone has tried to check. Not once.

So what exactly are the cleaning staff trained to look for?

I’m sure the cleaning staff just walks by every room with a DND sign and then are like “oh sure boss I checked every room just like you asked me to.” That’s what I would do in any case.

You’re running the same as me and just about everyone else.

Well it’s hard to reconcile both of these things:

That’s because you forgot about: