‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

You sold a '69 SG? :harold:

I’d hate to even look at what those are going for now. Probably more than an authentic Nazi-stamped Mauser K98.

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Yup, sometime around '92 or so. It wasn’t mint or anything but it was a great guitar.

Sold this right around the same time, but to my best friend. It found it’s way back to me when he passed away last year and left it to me. This is an '89.







How does someone stand in the windows?

Looking out windows is now prohibited but you are completely free to have any gun you want.


I stayed in this hotel back in spring. Not a park view out my window.

America is the Land Of The Free, unless you want to look out your window in which case you are a potential terrorist and our Heroes In Blue will have to take you out. If they can do so from a safe distance so they don’t have to risk getting hurt themselves.

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There is a crisis, and to solve it something needs to be banned. That thing is windows! And doors. So two things need to be banned I guess.

Looking out windows is socialism, opening them is communism

That is one of the most dystopian things I’ve read in a long time. It would seem outlandish in a movie.

Lollapalooza is quite heavily protected. Swat team basically is around the border of the festival, but inside the only security is to stop people from rushing the stage. But there are plenty of high rises/hotels onlooking the park and the Vegas shooter had booked one and originally had plans to commit his crime there. That’s why it’s a thing.

This reminds me of something odd that happened when I was in a hotel in Chicago a few years ago.

When I’m on my own I almost never get maid service. I just don’t need it. So the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign just hangs up on the door knob 24/7. After a few days I get a call from hotel security and they say that I haven’t had service in 4 days so they need to come ‘check my room’. It’s their (presumably new) policy. I guess they figured I was going to pull some sort of Vegas-style shooting. Who knows?

Anyway I get kind of salty because I’m about to take a nap and I basically refuse. At which point they basically say they’re going to need to throw me out or call the cops or whatever. So I relent and tell them to come in the next 10 min so we can get it over with.

They never showed. I gave up waiting and overslept with the door dead bolted. They never knocked, called or showed between the call and when I left the room again about 5hrs later. And as far as I know, they never came by later. Maybe the fact that I was OK with it was convincing enough? Or maybe they waited until I left to come in and check. Not sure, but it was weird and annoying.

I’m glad you’re still alive.


I can’t imagine how jealous other countries are of our FREEDOM

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I have had this happen to me on multiple occasions. Once I stayed up until early morning hours drinking and passed out and they couldn’t get me to wake up from phone calls and knocking. they were trying to break the door down when I finally woke up. This has only happened to me at casino hotel rooms though. I’m guessing it’s some hotels insurance policy or something requires rooms to be checked every so often. I stayed at the orleans for 2 weeks during wsop a few years ago and they for sure checked the room all the time. It was super annoying.

Checking at least every few days became standard policy in Vegas after the Mandalay Bay shooting.

Mine was weird because they seemingly never actually checked.