‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I deserved that. :joy:

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Also I heard the mall was a gun free zone. If so, the good guy with a gun should be arrested and charged. That’ll really get the gun nuts riled up.

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Definition is 4 or more people killed or injured. There were at least 2 injured in addition to the 3 dead


Great, a motorized AR-15 with legs and a sophisticated tracking system. What could possibly go wrong?

Do we need good bots with guns to counter the bad ones?


You said that the cops letting a parent attempt to save their child would’ve been idiotic, when what the cops actually did do was far far worse. It would’ve been better if those cops never even showed up

lots of these videos w robots in them doing funky/scary things are fake. boston dynamics, the guys that make this type of bot, dont attach guns to their robots, so this tells me it’s either fake (seems likely) or someone
rigged a gun to one of their robots, which also seems unlikely. idk.

They need to slap some lead weights on the front of that robot to help it with recoil control

They might be even scarier without the guns, imo. I could see those being the ones that local police use.





Jesus I think I’d put up a little more fight if I knew my wife was shot in there.


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He’s mostly just disappointed someone else got to do it

Good guy with gun shoots bad toddler.

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This is fine:

So a shooter can walk around a school open carry and no one can do anything? Wow. If Mississippi teachers had any balls, they’d go on strike immediately

Maybe if they didn’t have bills to pay and mouths to feed? Little compassion yo

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Good for Jackson, but why do we have to depend on the generosity of rich people and wtf would he give the money to Abbott?


Jealous. Used to play a '69 and stupidly sold it.

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