‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I’m more likely to draw on someone who tries to hold the door open for me, especially if I have to walk faster so they don’t have to wait.

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If you think about it, it would’ve been better if the Uvalde cops never even showed up

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Looks like about 5% end via good guy with gun (half of that is security guard or off duty cop). Convenient that we have enough mass shooting to do data analysis.

“It’s direct, indisputable, empirical evidence that this kind of common claim that ‘the only thing that stops a bad guy with the gun is a good guy with the gun’ is wrong,” said Adam Lankford, a professor at the University of Alabama, who has studied mass shootings for more than a decade. “It’s demonstrably false, because often they are stopping themselves.”

In fact, having more than one armed person at the scene who is not a member of law enforcement can create confusion and carry dire risks. An armed bystander who shot and killed an attacker in 2021 in Arvada, Colo. , was himself shot and killed by the police, who mistook him for the gunman.

In Dayton, Ohio , in 2019, an attacker shot 26 people and killed nine outside a downtown bar in the 32 seconds before a police officer on duty shot the attacker. A week earlier, at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Northern California, nearby officers engaged an attacker within a minute of his opening fire, but after 20 people had been shot. Three victims died and the attacker died by suicide.

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If we had 20X more guns then 100% of the shootings would be stopped by a good guy with a gun!


That’s an incredibly flawed analysis. You’d have to know in what percentage of mass shooting incidents there was even a good guy with a gun present

Also, the main reason people carry is for self protection, not to save the day in the event they encounter a mass shooter. It’s very possible that the good Samaritan who took out the shooter at the Greenwood Park Mall, did so in large part to make sure he wasn’t next. I don’t know the details

Of course…

his team decided that the optics of being seen with brown people at a brown child’s funeral would be worse for him than the optics of skipping the funerals

Also he’d be rightly heckled at any of the funerals. And he has no compassion for the kids. He considers them the price of freedom a price he’s willing to pay for political power.

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Kinda defeats the whole “cops shoulda let parents run into the school to get their children” idiotic narrative peddled after Uvalde.

As opposed to what they did


Blankenship said left-leaning Twitter users tend to discuss the victims quicker and blame right-wing media for the violence. Right-leaning Twitter users are more inclined to post conspiracy theories or discuss double standards in how mass shootings are reported.

Was much better to all stand there and let the kids get slaughtered, good point.


God called them home. Should be parties, not funerals. Duh.

Did I say the cops should have stood there, or did you, a non-troll who is beloved somehow, misread another post?

Long thread from a miserable guitar forum I’ve been on even longer than 2p2. I’ve posted there maybe a dozen times in the past 15 years because it’s overrun by insufferable windbags and terrible mods. No PoLiTiCs aLLoWeD but feel free to talk about laying waste to humans in SEEE CUEEE SEEE scenarios that only exist in your fever dreams (that’s close quarters combat for all the noobs here). Also this:

Ah, yes, totally normal.

Just like guitars. I personally love to take my SG across state lines into riot zones and hack away at unarmed protesters. As far as this being manbabies that need to spend obscene money to join some type of lifestyle brand, yeah they are very similar in that regard. That is the driving force behind all of this dumb shit. Cabbage Patch Dolls for white nationalists. Collect them all!

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looks like the media found an instance of a good guy who managed to stop a shooter and limit the number of dead victims to 3. does that mean it stays under a “mass shooting” category?



I think I the actual stat is 10. He should have used that. Still makes same point and makes it harder for idiots on right to yell about it.


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This should be used as exhibit 1 for why good guy with a gun is so fucking stupid. Even in the best case (shooter killed within 15 seconds) we still end up with 3 dead and multiple more wounded.