‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

A shattered glass door at the MGM caused a panic across several casinos on the Las Vegas strip due to rumors of a mass shooting.

I may be too blasé about these things.


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149 border patrol what the fuck.


This story gets crazier the more I think about it. A broken door more than half a mile away caused panic and a fucking stampede at the WSOP. We are trained that every fucking loud sound might mean our imminent death now.

My wife and I went to a comedy show last night. The club is set up in a way that its on the second floor of a building over a spot where construction is happening (we didnt know construction was going on below) About halfway through the show we heard a “BANG BANG BANG” from below that had me scanning the room for the nearest escape route.



They literally had a battalion strength fucking armed infantry unit and couldn’t engage one fucking 19 year old with a rifle. Fucking Insanity.

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The problem is that it is normal.

It’s plausible. These kind of calls go out and every single law enforcement officer from every agency in a 50-75 mile radius are going to respond.

Edit: I see a full breakdown was posted. Yeah, that’s what happens. Everyone responds.

Sure it is, here in USA#1. We’ve had at least four high profile mass panics in the last few weeks. Off the top of my head: NYC Pride, Philly Fourth of July, Harrisburg Fourth of July, Vegas Strip last night.

We’re going to have more cause asshole teenagers with firecrackers are going to think it’s funny and start taking firecrackers into public places and setting them off to see everyone run.

Fixed that for you.



Seems like someone shot up the mall near me. Tremendous country.

Yawn, just 2 dead so far. Wake me up when it’s 20 school children, then it’s news.


Fyp, x2

There were 6 mass shootings today

Only 5 yesterday though


He was stopped and killed by a citizen legally carrying. Not saying this is an excuse for more guns, but it’s nuts to not even mention this when a potentially far larger tragedy was prevented

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It’s a good thing that there weren’t 400 cops there to stop Our Hero from entering the building.


In the words of Dril, you absolutely do not “gotta hand it to ‘em”


An armed society is a polite society


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