‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

So uh, what does it take to be granted protection? Do you need to already have been murdered?

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Even if you get the order and the police refuse to enforce it they’re completely immune from any accountability

Less than an hour from where I grew up.

Well, I can understand why it was denied if they were already dead.

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The husband who killed himself doesn’t seem like the kind of person that would be deterred by a PPO. Even if the wife was able to call law enforcement, he probably kills them all before the police arrive.

I agree, the police did a great job in this situation :policeman:

They didn’t do any job. The judge assured that outcome.

This is a thought that crossed my mind as well. In some states, it is extremely easy to get anyone committed (at least for a short period of time).

But in this case, if the guy isn’t leaving the house, then the clinic would call the cops and then they would go get him (so he has to fade the cops not shooting him)?

In most states, it’s trivially easy to obtain a PPO as well. The judge in this case basically just redirected the woman to a different forum to obtain it. The weird part is that he directed her to a forum that apparently had no jurisdiction over her yet (a divorce court before filing of the petition). Obviously non-divorced people obtain PPOs, so not sure why he didn’t send her somewhere that could help her right away. I’m guessing the story got some major facts wrong: ockham’s journalism razor.


The only people who can stop a bad guy with guns is 500 good guys with guns


That has to be a typo.



Did they all get overtime?


Honestly I read the tweet first as “police waited to comfort gunman”


I read “400 officers” and didn’t even bat an eye. Seems plausible to me

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The 400 figure has been repeated across many, many sources.

It seems implausible to me simply from the logistics of parking that many cars. You need like crowd control with that many people.

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The reports I’m seeing are saying there was only 376. Checkmate libtards