‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Well, here in America you are assumed to be a good guy with a gun until you start shooting people. It’s a pretty clear line and works pretty well.

Example from Georgia (after we passed a hugely broad open carry law)

They had to install signs that literally said “Firearms ARE NOT permitted through security.” Pathetic.

In practice, yes, I’m reality I’ve only seen this happen once in real life after spending years living in red states. It’s hard to overstate how disjointed the gun laws in this country are from where the public is at.

I just watched that video. The whole thing seems so stupid to me. It seems like the guy who was filming the business was just doing it to provoke a response. Obviously, the employees handled it poorly, but I don’t understand why the guy was out there filming. Any reasonable person who wasn’t just trying to antagonize a business (I mean, he had a body cam on ffs) would ask them if he could film/photograph.

And we haven’t banned people on the terror watch list from buying guns, so this means people on the terror watch list can legally bring AR-15s to airports. Very cool!

Like we have to put our fucking liquids (max 3.4 oz) in a clear plastic bag and take off our shoes but you can walk right up to security screening with an assault rifle. Awesome. My fucking mouthwash is a threat, though.

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He mentioned at one point that he found the cranes interesting and was filming them for that reason.

He’s also a first amendment auditor, so his essentially take is that he has the right to do all of that on public property and he has no cause or reason to identify his name or reason for filming and he is 100% correct.

So while yes, the polite thing to do would be to request permission, one of his goals as an auditor is to teach people about the rights we all share, and sometimes they take that to the dickish extreme, but he was in no way in the wrong here.



At 11:33 he enters classroom and starts shooting pretty much immediately. kid sees it and runs and leaves, presumably people have started dialing 9/11 by now (5:30 in youtube video).

At 11:36 police enter the hallway (8 mins in video). Shots have been consistently going off for the last few minutes and they would have been heard from outside (from other video we have, we know the shots were well audible from outside the building).

As they are approaching the classroom, at 11:36:18 we saw our guy enter the frame on the far right lower corner (8:08 in video).

as officers move up, he gets into that position in the corner and checks his phone at 11:36:51 (8:51 in video) and quickly puts it away. he does appear to do this pretty casually, but that doesn’t really matter here.

~11:37:05 some shots appear to be fired at the forward officers and the guy in the white retreats and everyone else follows him. He does appear to think he’s struck, at 11:37:12 on the lower left you can see him repeatedly checking the back of his head with his hand and checking for blood. This is a point in the officer’s favor as far as “being under fire” but no wounds are really visible in the video. It seems plausible he got hit by some shrapnel.

11:37:18 the guy on the lower right checks his phone again quickly and puts it away.

11:37:24 for some reason quickly turns to the right and exits the frame.

This tweet:


seems completely false based on the video that is available. Almost every single thing coming out of any cop’s mouth regarding this has been completely false, I’m not giving the benefit of the doubt at all anymore. the full video is available (sans screams).

How did I know who the heart would be from.


To think that 40% of the town’s budget goes into this joke of a police force

If this doesn’t finally slam shut the door on the “good guys with guns” argument, nothing will

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This is where the outrage comes from. Police forces are so expensive, because they’ve argued for years and years that they were the ones holding back waves of violent crime and pointed at lowering crime rates (of which they had little to do with, honestly) as evidence that giving them more military equipment, more training, more power, and less oversight/accountability worked - and without them we’d have situations like this happening ALL THE TIME if it weren’t for our BRAVE HEROES IN BLUE.

Well, turns out that lots of them are incompetent scared pieces of shit looking for a fat paycheck with amazing benefits, a short career with a fat pension, and oh on the plus side I get to shoot some people sometimes or smack them around. Wonderful. What a cocktail for finding the biggest, weakest pieces of shit imaginable, and we as a society have placed all of our trust in these guys to stop THIS EXACT SITUATION FROM HAPPENING and we see very very obviously that even with the deranged state of the gun control laws in this country, they still could have prevented more than a little bit of carnage.

And then, to top it all off, they turn around and act like they’re the victims here when attacked. Cops in my city make double what I do. Soldiers would never question running in there to take a guy like this out, and we pay them a 10th of what these guys make. What the fuck.


Nothing will then i guess.

Yeah, well, you know…

We just need to find better guys with guns and give them bigger guns and more money!

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I took my kid to Dave and Busters and she says “this seems like the type of place somebody with a gun would come to”. i just said “you’re right, it does”. wtf

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Should have already been dead after the Dallas shooting. People will still trot it out after this though.

I’ve been avoiding responding to a recruiter helping to staff a new VA satellite clinic opening less than 10 minutes from my apartment. The clinic is focused on trying to cut through the long wait for VA disability examinations, and I’d be seeing 3-4 people per 8 hour day (and hopefully finishing the template writeups without needing to bring work home).

I already have a lot of experience doing state disability evaluations, and the hourly pay is about 30% more than I make doing telehealth, although telehealth allows me to set my schedule, treat my patients as I see fit, and work from home. Furthermore, although they want a FT person, the recruiter claimed they’d be willing to accept just two, full 8-hour days.

As I was thinking about what a good opportunity this was, I remembered @Surf commenting recently about the angry calls and threats he’s received in his role as a psychiatrist.

I then started to think, “Even though I don’t actually make the disability determinations, do I want to be the recognizable name and face attached to some angry vet’s, denied disability application”?

Maybe I’m a coward, but I’m thinking no.

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Is it an official fed job? Those tend to come with some very nice benefits, pensions and time off IIRC. Might not qualify for that at 2 days per week.

Tirany Savage, 35, filed for a protection order June 24 in Michigan’s 34th Circuit Court, claiming her husband had bought a gun, repeatedly threatened suicide and refused to leave the family’s home in Houghton Lake. It was denied three days later and nearly two weeks after the family was killed.

Tirany Savage listed some of the reasons she needed protection in the order request, including that her husband was threatening to kill or hurt her; he was interfering with her at her job or school; he was stalking her; and he had taken a pet from her.

In a written statement, she said her husband’s behavior was out of control and verbally abusive.

“I filed for divorce today after dealing with my husband’s affair. He became verbally violent & keeps throwing his fist like he is going to hit me & calling me a c—, whore, piece of s— & told me I will need a PPO because I have no idea what I just started,” she wrote, referring to a personal protection order. “I asked him to be civil for a divorce & asked him to leave house & he refuses. I left & have been getting text accusing me of being with other people & he has now been texting my friends threatening them because he thinks they told me to leave him.”

Deputies had previously responded to calls involving the couple, Roscommon County Undersheriff Ben Lowe said Thursday. He cited the ongoing investigation and did not elaborate.

If only she had an AR-15 to protect herself. Or possibly her doors were designed wrong.

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